
Defines functions locationStopMessage validateLocation.default validateLocation.data.frame validateLocation.numeric validateLocation.character validateLocation.list validateLocation google_directions

Documented in google_directions

#' Google Directions
#' The Google Maps Directions API is a service that calculates directions between
#' locations. You can search for directions for several modes of transportation,
#' including transit, driving, walking, or cycling.
#' @param origin Origin location as either a one or two column data.frame, a
#' list of unnamed elements, each element is either a numeric vector of lat/lon
#' coordinates, an address string or a place_id, or a vector of a pair of lat / lon coordinates
#' @param destination destination location as either a one or two column data.frame, a
#' list of unnamed elements, each element is either a numeric vector of lat/lon
#' coordinates, an address string or place_id, or a vector of a pair of lat / lon coordinates
#' @param mode \code{string} One of 'driving', 'walking', 'bicycling' or 'transit'.
#' @param departure_time The desired time of departure.
#' Use either a \code{POSIXct} time since 1st January 1970, or the string 'now'.
#' If no value is specified it defaults to \code{Sys.time()}.
#' @param arrival_time Specifies the desired time of arrival for transit requests.
#' Use either a \code{POSIXct} time since 1st January 1970.
#' Note you can only specify one of \code{arrival_time} or \code{departure_time}, not both.
#' If both are supplied, \code{departure_time} will be used.
#' @param waypoints list of waypoints, expressed as either \code{vectors} of
#' lat/lon coordinates, or a \code{string} address to be geocoded, or an encoded
#' polyline enclosed by \code{enc:} and \code{:}. Only available for driving,
#' walking or bicycling modes. List elements must be named either 'stop' or 'via',
#' where 'stop' is used to indicate a stopover for a waypoint, and 'via' will
#' not stop at the waypoint.
#' See \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/overview#Waypoints} for details
#' @param optimise_waypoints \code{boolean} allow the Directions service to optimize the
#' provided route by rearranging the waypoints in a more efficient order.
#' (This optimization is an application of the Travelling Salesman Problem.)
#' Travel time is the primary factor which is optimized, but other factors such
#' as distance, number of turns and many more may be taken into account when
#' deciding which route is the most efficient. All waypoints must be stopovers
#' for the Directions service to optimize their route.
#' @param alternatives \code{logical} If set to true, specifies that the Directions
#' service may provide more than one route alternative in the response
#' @param avoid \code{character} vector stating which features should be avoided.
#' One of 'tolls', 'highways', 'ferries' or 'indoor'
#' @param units \code{string} metric or imperial. Note: Only affects the text displayed
#' within the distance field. The values are always in metric
#' @param traffic_model \code{string} - one of 'best_guess', 'pessimistic' or 'optimistic'.
#' Only valid with a departure time
#' @param transit_mode \code{vector} of strings, either 'bus', 'subway', 'train', 'tram' or 'rail'.
#' Only vaid where \code{mode = 'transit'}. Note that 'rail' is equivalent
#' to \code{transit_mode=c("train", "tram", "subway")}
#' @param transit_routing_preference \code{vector} of strings - one of 'less_walking' and
#' 'fewer_transfers'. specifies preferences for transit routes. Only valid for
#' transit directions.
#' @param language \code{string} - specifies the language in which to return the results.
#' See the list of supported languages: \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport}.
#' If no langauge is supplied, the service will attempt to use the language of the domain from which the request was sent
#' @param region \code{string} - specifies the region code, specified as a ccTLD
#' ("top-level domain"). See region basing for details
#' \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/overview#RegionBiasing}
#' @param key \code{string} - a valid Google Developers Directions API key
#' @param simplify \code{logical} - TRUE indicates the returned JSON will be coerced into a list.
#' FALSE indicates the returend JSON will be returned as a string
#' @param curl_proxy a curl proxy object
#' @return Either list or JSON string of the route between origin and destination
#' @inheritSection google_geocode API use and limits
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_key("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY")
#' ## using lat/long coordinates
#' google_directions(origin = c(-37.8179746, 144.9668636),
#'           destination = c(-37.81659, 144.9841),
#'           mode = "walking")
#' ## using address string
#' google_directions(origin = "Flinders Street Station, Melbourne",
#'          destination = "MCG, Melbourne",
#'          mode = "walking")
#' google_directions(origin = "Melbourne Airport, Australia",
#'          destination = "Portsea, Melbourne, Australia",
#'          departure_time =  Sys.time() + (24 * 60 * 60),
#'          waypoints = list(stop = c(-37.81659, 144.9841),
#'                            via = "Ringwood, Victoria"),
#'          mode = "driving",
#'          alternatives = FALSE,
#'          avoid = c("TOLLS", "highways"),
#'          units = "imperial",
#'          simplify = TRUE)
#' ## using 'now' as departure time
#' google_directions(origin = "Flinders Street Station, Melbourne",
#'          destination = "MCG, Melbourne",
#'          departure_time = 'now')
#' ## waypoints expressed as an encoded polyline
#' polyWaypoints <- encode_pl(tram_stops[1:2, c("stop_lat")], tram_stops[1:2, c("stop_lon")])
#' polyWaypoints <- list(via = paste0("enc:", polyWaypoints, ":"))
#' google_directions(origin = "Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne",
#'          destination = "Studley Park, Melbourne",
#'          waypoints = polyWaypoints)
#' ## using bus and less walking
#' res <- google_directions(origin = "Melbourne Airport, Australia",
#'          destination = "Portsea, Melbourne, Australia",
#'          departure_time =  Sys.time() + (24 * 60 * 60),
#'          mode = "transit",
#'          transit_mode = "bus",
#'          transit_routing_preference = "less_walking",
#'          simplify = FALSE)
#' ## using arrival time
#' res <- google_directions(origin = "Melbourne Airport, Australia",
#'          destination = "Portsea, Melbourne, Australia",
#'          arrival_time =  Sys.time() + (24 * 60 * 60),
#'          mode = "transit",
#'          transit_mode = "bus",
#'          transit_routing_preference = "less_walking",
#'          simplify = FALSE)
#' ## return results in French
#' res <- google_directions(origin = "Melbourne Airport, Australia",
#'          destination = "Portsea, Melbourne, Australia",
#'          arrival_time =  Sys.time() + (24 * 60 * 60),
#'          mode = "transit",
#'          transit_mode = "bus",
#'          transit_routing_preference = "less_walking",
#'          language = "fr",
#'          simplify = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
google_directions <- function(origin,
                              mode = c('driving','walking','bicycling','transit'),
                              departure_time = NULL,
                              arrival_time = NULL,
                              waypoints = NULL,
                              optimise_waypoints = FALSE,
                              alternatives = FALSE,
                              avoid = NULL,
                              units = c("metric", "imperial"),
                              traffic_model = NULL,
                              transit_mode = NULL,
                              transit_routing_preference = NULL,
                              language = NULL,
                              region = NULL,
                              key = get_api_key("directions"),
                              simplify = TRUE,
                              curl_proxy = NULL){

  origin <- validateLocation(origin)
  destination <- validateLocation(destination)

  directions_data(base_url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?",
                information_type = "directions",


validateLocation <- function(location) UseMethod("validateLocation")

#' @export
validateLocation.list <- function(location){
  if(length(location) > 1)


#' @export
validateLocation.character <- function(location) {
  if(length(location) > 1)

#' @export
validateLocation.numeric <- function(location) {
  ## a vector has to be put into a list
  if(length(location) > 2) stop(locationStopMessage())

#' @export
validateLocation.data.frame <- function(location){

  ## A dataframe can be used, and can be one column or two
  if(ncol(location) > 2) stop("A data.frame can have a maximum of two columns")
  if(nrow(location) > 1) stop(locationStopMessage())

  ## two-columns indicate lat/lons
  if(ncol(location) == 2){
    # location <- lapply(1:nrow(location), function(x) as.numeric(location[x, ]))
#    location <- lapply(1:nrow(location), function(x) as.character(location[x,]))

#' @export
validateLocation.default <- function(location) location

locationStopMessage <- function() "Only a single location is allowed inside google_directions for origin or destination"
SymbolixAU/googleway documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 4:31 p.m.