

test_that("polygons added and removed", {

  m <- google_map(key = "abc")
  df <- data.frame(lat = 1:4,
                   lon = 1:4,
                   polyline = letters[1:4],
                   info_window = letters[1:4],
                   mouse_over = letters[1:4])


  expect_true(unique(jsonlite::fromJSON(add_polygons(map = m, data = df, polyline = "polyline")$x$calls[[1]]$args[[1]])$stroke_colour) == "#0000FF")
  expect_true(unique(jsonlite::fromJSON(add_polygons(map = m, data = df, polyline = "polyline")$x$calls[[1]]$args[[1]])$stroke_weight) == 1)
  expect_true(unique(jsonlite::fromJSON(add_polygons(map = m, data = df, polyline = "polyline")$x$calls[[1]]$args[[1]])$stroke_opacity) == 0.6)

  expect_true("info_window" %in% names(jsonlite::fromJSON(add_polygons(map = m, data = df, polyline = "polyline", info_window = "info_window")$x$calls[[1]]$args[[1]])))
  expect_true("mouse_over" %in% names(jsonlite::fromJSON(add_polygons(map = m, data = df, polyline = "polyline", mouse_over = "mouse_over")$x$calls[[1]]$args[[1]])))

  m <- google_map(key = "abc")
  df <- data.frame(lat = 1:4,
                   lon = 1:4,
                   id = 1,
                   polyline = letters[1:4],
                   info_window = letters[1:4],
                   mouse_over = letters[1:4])

    add_polygons(map = m, data = df, lat = 'lat', lon = 'lon'),
    "No 'id' value defined, assuming one continuous line of coordinates"

    add_polygons(map = m, data = df, lat = 'lat', lon = 'lon', id = 'id'),
    "No 'pathId' value defined, assuming one continuous line per polygon"

  expectedDf <- data.frame()

    add_polygons(map = m, data = df, lat = 'lat', lon = 'lon', id = 'id')$x$calls[[1]]$args[[1]] ==

  expect_true(clear_polygons(m)$x$calls[[1]]$functions == "clear_polygons")


test_that("polygons are updated", {

  m <- google_map(key = "abc")
  df <- data.frame(lat = 1:4,
                   lon = 1:4,
                   id = 1,
                   polyline = letters[1:4],
                   colour = c("#00FF00"))

  df_update <- df
  df_update$colour <- "#FF00FF"

  m <- m %>%
    add_polygons(data = df, id = "id", lat = "lat", lon = "lon", fill_colour = "colour") %>%
    update_polygons(data = df, id = "id", fill_colour = "colour")

    m$x$calls[[2]]$args[[1]] == '[{"id":1,"fill_colour":"#00FF00","stroke_colour":"#0000FF","stroke_weight":1,"stroke_opacity":0.6,"fill_opacity":0.35},{"id":1,"fill_colour":"#00FF00","stroke_colour":"#0000FF","stroke_weight":1,"stroke_opacity":0.6,"fill_opacity":0.35},{"id":1,"fill_colour":"#00FF00","stroke_colour":"#0000FF","stroke_weight":1,"stroke_opacity":0.6,"fill_opacity":0.35},{"id":1,"fill_colour":"#00FF00","stroke_colour":"#0000FF","stroke_weight":1,"stroke_opacity":0.6,"fill_opacity":0.35}]'

SymbolixAU/googleway documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 4:31 p.m.