# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
activityAsDataFrame <- function(m, time_index, start_time, divider) {
.Call('_read_gt3x_activityAsDataFrame', PACKAGE = 'read.gt3x', m, time_index, start_time, divider)
#' Parse activity samples from a GT3X file
#' @param filename (char*) path to a log.bin file inside the unzipped gt3x folder, which contains the activity samples
#' @param max_samples Maximum number of rows to parse. The returned matrix will always contain this number of rows, having zeroes if
#' not data is found.
#' @param scale_factor Scale factor for the activity samples.
#' @param sample_rate sampling rate for activity samples.
#' @param start_time starting time of the sample recording.
#' @param batch_begin first second in time relative to start of raw non-imputed recording to include in this batch
#' @param batch_end last second in time relative to start of raw non-imputed recording to include in this batch
#' @param verbose Print the parameters from the log.bin file and other messages?
#' @param impute_zeroes Impute zeros in case there are missingness?
#' @param debug Print information for every activity second
#' @return
#' Returns a matrix with max_samples rows and 3 columns with the acceleration samples.
#' The matrix has attributes
#' "time_index", "missingness", "start_time_log", "sample_rate", "impute_zeroes".
parseGT3X <- function(filename, max_samples, scale_factor, sample_rate, start_time, batch_begin = 0L, batch_end = 0L, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE, impute_zeroes = FALSE) {
.Call('_read_gt3x_parseGT3X', PACKAGE = 'read.gt3x', filename, max_samples, scale_factor, sample_rate, start_time, batch_begin, batch_end, verbose, debug, impute_zeroes)
#' Parse activity samples from a NHANES-GT3X file
#' @param filename path to a activity.bin file inside the unzipped gt3x
#' folder, which contains the activity samples
#' @param max_samples Maximum number of rows to parse.
#' The returned matrix will always contain this number of rows, having zeroes if
#' not data is found.
#' @param scale_factor Scale factor for the activity samples.
#' @param sample_rate sampling rate for activity samples.
#' @param verbose Print the parameters from the activity.bin file and other messages?
#' @param debug Print information for every activity second
#' @return
#' Returns a matrix with max_samples rows and 3 columns, where the first 3
#' columns are the acceleration samples and
#' the last column is timestamps in seconds (including hundredth of seconds)
#' starting from 00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC (UNIX time)
parseActivityBin <- function(filename, max_samples, scale_factor, sample_rate, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
.Call('_read_gt3x_parseActivityBin', PACKAGE = 'read.gt3x', filename, max_samples, scale_factor, sample_rate, verbose, debug)
#' Parse activity samples from a GT3X file
#' @param filename (char*) path to a log.bin file inside the unzipped gt3x folder, which contains the activity samples
#' @param max_samples Maximum number of rows to parse. The returned matrix will always contain this number of rows, having zeroes if
#' not data is found.
#' @param scale_factor Scale factor for the activity samples.
#' @param max_value Maximum value to truncate
#' @param verbose Print the parameters from the log.bin file and other messages?
#' @return
#' Returns a vector with max_samples elements
parseLuxBin <- function(filename, max_samples, scale_factor, max_value, verbose = FALSE) {
.Call('_read_gt3x_parseLuxBin', PACKAGE = 'read.gt3x', filename, max_samples, scale_factor, max_value, verbose)
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