Man pages for TS404/AlignStat
Comparison of Alternative Multiple Sequence Alignments

AlignStatAlignStat: A tool for the statistical comparison of...
compare_alignmentsCompare alternative multiple sequence alignments
comparison_alignmentComparison Alignment
plot_dissimilarity_matrixA heatmap plot of the dissimilarity matrix of two multiple...
plot_dissimilarity_summaryAn area plot summary of the different causes of column...
plot_similarity_heatmapA heatmap plot of the column identities between two multiple...
plot_similarity_summaryA line plot summary of column similarity between two multiple...
plot_SP_summaryA line plot summary of sum of pairs score between two...
reference_alignmentReference Alignment
TS404/AlignStat documentation built on Oct. 13, 2021, 4:13 p.m.