#' European Customer Satisfaction Index
#' @format A data frame with 250 rows and 24 variables
#' @docType data
#' @description
#' The European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) is an economic indicator that
#' measures customer satisfaction. ECSI is an adaptation of the Swedish Customer
#' Satisfaction Barometer (Fornell, 1992) and is compatible with the American
#' Customer Satisfaction Index.  The indicators describing the latent variables
#' are given for the Mobile Phone Industry. The original items scaled from 1 to
#' 10 have been transformed into new normalized variables. The minimum possible
#' value of each variable is 0 and its maximum possible value is equal to 10.
#' \describe{
#' \item{IMAG}{Image of the phone provider (eta_1) \itemize{
#'      \item (a) Reputation of the phone provider,
#'      \item (b) Trustworthiness,
#'      \item (c) Seriousness,
#'      \item (d) Solidness,
#'      \item (e) Caring about customer's needs.
#' }}
#' \item{EXPE}{Customer Expectations of the overall quality (eta_2) \itemize{
#'      \item (a) Expectations for the overall quality of your "mobile phone
#' provider" at the moment you became customer of this provider,
#'      \item (b) Expectations for your "mobile phone provider" to provide
#' products and services to meet your personal need,
#'      \item (c) How often did you expect that things could go wrong at your
#' "mobile phone provider".
#' }}
#' \item{QUAL}{Perceived Quality (eta_3) \itemize{
#'      \item (a) Overall perceived quality,
#'      \item (b) Overall perceived quality,
#'      \item (c) Customer service and personal advice offered,
#'      \item (d) Quality of the services you use,
#'      \item (e) Range of services and products offered,
#'      \item (f) Reliability and accuracy of the products and services
#' provided,
#'      \item (g) Clarity and transparency of information provided.
#' }}
#' \item{VAL}{Perceived Value (eta_4) \itemize{
#'      \item (a) Given the quality of the products and services offered by
#' your "mobile phone provider" how would you rate the fees and prices that
#' you pay for them?
#'      \item (b) Given the fees and prices that you pay for your mobile phone
#' provider how would you rate the quality of the products and services offered
#' by your "mobile phone provider"?
#' }}
#' \item{SAT}{Customer Satisfaction (eta_5) \itemize{
#'      \item (a) Overall satisfaction,
#'      \item (b) Fulfillment of expectations,
#'      \item (c) How well do you think your "mobile phone provider" compares
#' with your ideal "mobile phone provider"?
#' }}
#' \item{LOY}{Customer Loyalty (eta_6) \itemize{
#'      \item (a) If you would need to choose a new "mobile phone provider" how
#' likely is it that you would choose your provider again?
#'      \item (b) Let us now suppose that other "mobile phone provider"s decide
#' to lower their fees and prices, but your "mobile phone provider" stays at
#' the same level as today. At which level of difference (in \%) would you
#' choose another "mobile phone provider"?
#'      \item (c) If a friend or colleague asks you for advice, how likely is it
#' that you would recommend your "mobile phone provider"?
#' }}
#' }
#' @references Fornell C. (1992): A national customer satisfaction barometer.
#' The Swedish experience. Journal of Marketing, (56), 6-21.
#' @usage data(ECSI)
#' @keywords datasets
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