
This R package is for internal use in Heart Force Medical Inc. The main function wavelet_ECG_annotation detects the locations of P,Q,R,S,T waves in ECG signals.

' It returns a list including 9 vectors of indexes for each wave.

' The list includes:

' Q_peak, R_peak, S_peak,

' P_onset, P_wave, Type_of_P, T_onset, T_wave, Type_of_T


' Unit of indexes: ms (millisecond)


' Type_of_P corresponds to the types of P wave morphology

' 1 - normal; 2 - inverse; 3 - biphasic +/-; 4 - biphasic -/+; 0 - no type


' Type_of_T corresponds to the types of T wave morphology

' 1 - normal; 2 - inverse; 3 - biphasic +/-; 4 - biphasic -/+;

' 5 - upwards; 6 - downwards

Teresa00/hfmAnnotation documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:51 a.m.