Man pages for Teresa00/hfmAnnotation
HFM Internal Package for Annotations

as_maybeConvert value of any type to a Maybe type
checkPackageVersionFunction for checking current package version. (Read the...
is_nothingDetermines whether or not its value is of type Nothing
JustRepresent values that exist.
maybe_applyApply a Maybe function to a Maybe argument
maybe_bindConvert a one-track function to a two-track function.
maybe_defaultProvide a default value, turning an optional value into a...
maybe_mapApply a one-track function to a two-track argument.
maybe_map_2Apply a one-track function to 2 two-track arguments.
maybe_map_3Apply a one-track function to 3 two-track arguments.
maybe_map_4Apply a one-track function to 4 two-track arguments.
maybe_map_5Apply a one-track function to 5 two-track arguments.
maybes_collapseCollapse a list of "Maybe a" type values into a list of "a"...
maybes_partitionPartition a list of "Maybe a" type values into a list...
maybe_thenChain together many computations that may fail (return...
NothingRepresents values that do not exist
wavelet_ECG_annotationDetect the locations of P,Q,R,S,T waves in ECG signals Return...
wavelet_onset_searchSearch for the onset of a wave using the derivative method
wavelet_P_detectionSearch for P wave in ECG signals based on wavelet transform...
wavelet_preprocessingPreprocess ECG signal before detection and delineation....
wavelet_Q_detectionSearch for Q wave in ECG signals based on wavelet transform...
wavelet_R_detectionDetect R peak in ECG signals based on wavelet transform...
wavelet_S_detectionSearch for S wave in ECG signals based on wavelet transform...
wavelet_T_detectionSearch for T wave in ECG signals based on wavelet transform...
Teresa00/hfmAnnotation documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:51 a.m.