{testdown} Report for {fakepkg} {-}

Performed on the: 2020-07-30 16:56:15 by Colin

Project Information:

Tested package Information:

Test session infrastructure

# xfun::session_info()

(PART) Results {-}

Global results for package fakepkg {-}

|Test.file |Test |Date | Num.Expectations| Failed|Was.Skipped |Errored | Time.Spent| |:------------------|:----------------------------------|:----------|----------------:|------:|:-----------|:-------|----------:| |test-hello-world.R |hello_world() works |2020-07-30 | 4| 1|FALSE |FALSE | 0.371| |test-hello-world.R |hello_world() works with vectors |2020-07-30 | 4| 2|FALSE |FALSE | 0.208| |test-times.R |times() works |2020-07-30 | 5| 2|FALSE |TRUE | 0.259| |test-times.R |times() works with matrix |2020-07-30 | 4| 1|FALSE |FALSE | 0.174| |test-times.R |times() works with {agivenpackage} |2020-07-30 | 1| 0|TRUE |FALSE | 0.052|


Summary {-}

Details {-}

|Test |Description |Expectation |Result |Location |Test_time | |:--------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------|:------------------------------------------|:---------------------|:-------------------| |hello_world() works |Testing that hello_world("colin") returns "Hello world, my name is colin!" |NULL |✅ Success |test-hello-world.R#3 |2020-07-30 16:56:13 | |hello_world() works |Testing that hello_world("colin") returns a character vector |NULL |✅ Success |test-hello-world.R#5 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |hello_world() works |Testing that hello_world("colin") has World in it |NULL |❌ Failure |test-hello-world.R#7 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |hello_world() works |Testing that hello_world("colin") has Hello in it |NULL |✅ Success |test-hello-world.R#9 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |hello_world() works with vectors |Testing that hello_world("colin", "seb") returns two elements |NULL |❌ Failure |test-hello-world.R#15 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |hello_world() works with vectors |Testing that hello_world(c("colin", "seb")) returns two elements |NULL |✅ Success |test-hello-world.R#17 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |hello_world() works with vectors |Testing that hello_world(LETTERS) returns 25 elements |NULL |❌ Failure |test-hello-world.R#19 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |hello_world() works with vectors |Testing that hello_world(LETTERS) returns 26 elements |NULL |✅ Success |test-hello-world.R#21 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 |


Summary {-}

Details {-}

| |Test |Description |Expectation |Result |Location |Test_time | |:--|:----------------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------|:------------------------------------------------------|:---------------|:-------------------| |9 |times() works |Testing that times(1, 3) returns 3 |NULL |✅ Success |test-times.R#3 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |10 |times() works |Testing that times(1, "2") fails |NULL |✅ Success |test-times.R#5 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |11 |times() works |Testing that times(1, "a") fails |NULL |✅ Success |test-times.R#7 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |12 |times() works |Testing that times(1, 1:10) returns one number |NULL |❌ Failure |test-times.R#9 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |13 |times() works |Testing that times(1, 1:10) returns a vector |NULL |❌ Failure |test-times.R#11 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |14 |times() works |Testing that times(1, "3") returns 3 |NULL |❌ Error (test stopped) |test-times.R#13 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |15 |times() works with matrix |Testing that the matrix size is 10 for times(1:3, matrix(1:10)) |NULL |⚠️ Warning |test-times.R#19 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |16 |times() works with matrix |Testing that the matrix size is 10 for times(1:3, matrix(1:10)) |NULL |✅ Success |test-times.R#19 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |17 |times() works with matrix |Testing that the matrix size is 10 for times(1:3, matrix(1:15)) |NULL |❌ Failure |test-times.R#21 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |18 |times() works with matrix |Testing that the matrix size is 10 for times(1:2, matrix(1:10)) |NULL |✅ Success |test-times.R#23 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 | |19 |times() works with {agivenpackage} | |NULL |🔄 Skipped |test-times.R#28 |2020-07-30 16:56:15 |

Aggregated failures

|File |Test |Description |Expectation |Message | |:---------------------|:--------------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |test-hello-world.R#7 |hello_world() works |Testing that hello_world("colin") has World in it |NULL |hello_world("colin") does not match "World". Actual value: "Hello world, my name is colin!" | |test-hello-world.R#15 |hello_world() works with vectors |Testing that hello_world("colin", "seb") returns two elements |NULL |hello_world("colin", "seb") threw an error with unexpected message. Expected match: "2" Actual message: "unused argument (\"seb\")" | |test-hello-world.R#19 |hello_world() works with vectors |Testing that hello_world(LETTERS) returns 25 elements |NULL |hello_world(LETTERS) has length 26, not length 25. | |test-times.R#9 |times() works |Testing that times(1, 1:10) returns one number |NULL |times(1, 1:10) has length 10, not length 1. | |test-times.R#11 |times() works |Testing that times(1, 1:10) returns a vector |NULL |times(1, 1:10) inherits from numeric not vector. | |test-times.R#13 |times() works |Testing that times(1, "3") returns 3 |NULL |non-numeric argument to binary operator | |test-times.R#21 |times() works with matrix |Testing that the matrix size is 10 for times(1:3, matrix(1:15)) |NULL |times(1:3, matrix(1:15)) has length 15, not length 10. |

Aggregated warnings

|context |test |expectation |description |location |test_time |message | |:------------|:-------------------------|:-----------|:---------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------|:-------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------| |test-times.R |times() works with matrix |NULL |Testing that the matrix size is 10 for times(1:3, matrix(1:10)) |test-times.R#19 |2020-07-30 16:56:14 |longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length |

(PART) Appendix {-}

How to read this report {-}

How to read {testdown} reports {-}


ThinkR-open/testdown documentation built on April 17, 2023, 3:21 a.m.