
#' The R package snpclust performs unsupervised feature selection and summarization based on Principal Component Analysis, Gaussian Mixture Models, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
#' SNPClust is developed for the reclassification of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases based on genetic markers instead of clinical criteria for the European-funded project PRECISESADS (http://precisesads.eu).
#' The snpclust function is the main function and can be called on a snpgds file path from the R package SNPRelate.
#' Results can be displayed with several plots. A demo is available in the *SNPClust applied to Europeans* HTML vignette.
#' @name snpclust-package
#' @docType package
#' @title Single nucleotide polymorphism unsupervised clustering
#' @keywords package
ThomasChln/snpclust documentation built on June 11, 2020, 4:27 p.m.