
##' Color Palette data for politantheme package
##' List with the data used by the palettes in the politan package.
##' @export
#politantheme_data <- {
  ## x to hold value of list as I create it
  #x <- list()
  #x$politan <- list()
  ## colors imported from here: http://www.javascripter.net/faq/rgbtohex.htm
  ## Colors picked
 # x$politan$bg <-
   # c(brown4 = rgb(139, 35, 35, max=255), # brown
      #coral3 = rgb(205, 91, 69, max=255), # kind of pinkbrown
    #  coral = rgb(255, 127, 80, max=255),,
    #  darkslategray3 = rgb(121, 205, 205, max=255), # gray bg for graphics blog
    #  darkslategray4 = rgb(82, 139, 139, max=255),
    #  darkslategray = rgb(47, 79, 79, max=255)      
   # ) 
  ## Return

politan_col <- function(){
  cat("\nmaps_col() returns the colors for yes and no shares\n\nparty_col() returns a data.frame from the party colors, it takes the following arguments:\n\n     'party' = c('SVP', 'FDP', 'CVP', 'SP', 'EVP', 'GPS', 'BDP', 'glp')\n     'scheme' = c('light', 'normal')")


maps_col <- function(x){
  colls <- c(
  brown4 = rgb(139, 35, 35, max=255), # brown
  coral3 = rgb(205, 91, 69, max=255), # kind of pinkbrown
  coral = rgb(255, 127, 80, max=255),
  darkslategray3 = rgb(121, 205, 205, max=255), # gray bg for graphics blog
  darkslategray4 = rgb(82, 139, 139, max=255),
  darkslategray = rgb(47, 79, 79, max=255)) 

party_col <- function(party=NULL, scheme=NULL){
  partycol <- data.frame(Partei=c("SVP", "FDP", "CVP", "SP", "EVP", "GPS", "BDP", "glp"),
                         normal=c("#148A3C", "#009FDA", "#FF850C", "#ED1C24", "#F8DA00", "#FF448A", "#000000", "#B4DC00"))
  if(!is.null(party)) partycol <- subset(partycol, Partei==party)

    assign(se, scheme)
    partycol <- as.character(partycol[,get(se)])

ThomasWilli/politantheme documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:46 p.m.