utils_as: Encode variables to a specific format

utils_asR Documentation

Encode variables to a specific format



Function to quick encode vector or columns to a specific format.

  • as_numeric(): Encode columns to numeric using as.numeric().

  • as_integer(): Encode columns to integer using as.integer().

  • as_logical(): Encode columns to logical using as.logical().

  • as_character(): Encode columns to character using as.character().

  • as_factor(): Encode columns to factor using as.factor().


as_numeric(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .pull = FALSE)

as_integer(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .pull = FALSE)

as_logical(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .pull = FALSE)

as_character(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .pull = FALSE)

as_factor(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .pull = FALSE)



A data frame or a vector.


<tidy-select>. If .data is a data frame, then ... are the variable(s) to encode to a format.


Allows you to control which columns from .data are retained in the output.

  • "all" (default) retains all variables.

  • "used" keeps any variables used to make new variables.


Allows you to pull out the last column of the output. It is useful in combination with .keep = "used". In this case, a vector will be created with the used column.


An object of the same class of .data with the variables in ... encoded to the specified format.


Tiago Olivoto tiagoolivoto@gmail.com


df <-
  tibble(y = rnorm(5),
         x1 = c(1:5),
         x2 = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
         x3 = letters[1:5],
         x4 = as.factor(x3))

# Convert y to integer
as_integer(df, y)

# convert x3 to factor
as_factor(df, x3)

# Convert all columns to character
as_character(df, everything())

# Convert x2 to numeric and coerce to a vector
as_numeric(df, x2, .keep = "used", .pull = TRUE)

TiagoOlivoto/metan documentation built on June 2, 2024, 7:32 a.m.