
# TODO: Make function faster (RCPP?)

#' Predict RBM
#' Function for predicting on a test set with either a classification RBM (trained with the RBM function) or a 
#' stacked RBM with a classification RBM on top (trained with StackRBM).
#'@param test Is the test-data (matrix) on which the user wants to make predictions.
#'@param labels Is a matrix with the corresponding labels for test-data.
#'@param model Is the trained RBM or StackRBM model.
#'@param layers Only needed with StackRBM to define the number of layers.
#'@return A list with a confusion matrix and the accuracy of the predictions.
#'# Load MNIST data
#'# First train supervised RBM or StackedRBM
#'mod <- RBM(MNIST$trainX, MNIST$trainY, n.iter = 1000, n.hidden = 1000)
#'# Then use PredictRBM to make predictions
#'PredictRBM(MNIST$testX, MNIST$testY, model = mod)
PredictRBM <- function(test, labels, model, layers = 2) {
  if (nrow(test) != length(labels)) {
    stop("Labels and test data should be of equal size")
  if (any(!is.numeric(test))) {
    stop('Sorry the data has non-numeric values, the function is executed')
  if (any(!is.finite(test))) {
    stop('Sorry this function cannot handle NAs or non-finite data')
  if (layers == 2) {
    if (length(model) > 2) {
      stop("Number of layers is unequal to the number of weight matrices in the model")

  # Create dataframe to save predictions and actual labels
  result.dat <- data.frame('y' = labels, 'y.pred'= rep(0,length(labels)))
  # Creating binarized matrix of all the possible labels and add bias term
  y <- cbind(1, LabelBinarizer(unique(labels)))
  # Name the rows after the possible labels:
  rownames(y) <- unique(labels)
  # Add a column to save the energies:
  y <- cbind(y,rep(0,nrow(y)))
  # Add bias term to data
  test <- cbind(1, test)
  # Loop over all the test data and calculate model predictions
  for (i in 1:nrow(test)) {
    y[,12] <- 0
    # Initialize visible unit:
    V <- test[i , , drop = FALSE]
    # Make the predictions 
    if (missing(layers)) {
      for (j in 1:nrow(y)) {
        # Calculate the hidden units for each class:
        H <- VisToHid(V, model$trained.weights, y[j, 1:11, drop = FALSE], model$trained.y.weights)
        # Calculate energy for each class:
        y[j, 12] <- Energy(V, H, model$trained.weights, y[j, 1:11, drop = FALSE], model$trained.y.weights)
    } else {
      if (length(model) != layers) {
        stop('The model object layers are unequal to the layers defined in the predict function')
      for (j in 1:nrow(y)) {
        # Initialize visible unit:
        V <- test[i,, drop = FALSE]
        # Perform a forward pass untill the classification RBM
        for (l in 1:layers){
          if (l < layers) {
            V <- VisToHid(V, model[[l]]$trained.weights)
            # Fix the bias term
            V[, 1] <- 1
          } else {
            # When at last layer, calculate energy for each class
            H <- VisToHid(V, model[[l]]$trained.weights, y[j, 1:11, drop = FALSE], model[[l]]$trained.y.weights)
            # Save energy with class
            y[j, 12] <- Energy(V, H, model[[l]]$trained.weights, y[j, 1:11, drop = FALSE], model[[l]]$trained.y.weights)
    # Predict the label with the highest energy
    result.dat[i,2] <- as.numeric(rownames(y)[y[, 12] == min(y[, 12])])
  # Calculate the accuracy of the classifier
  acc <- mean(result.dat[, 1] == result.dat[, 2])
  # make the confusion matrix of the classifier
  conf <- table('pred' = result.dat[, 2], 'truth' = result.dat[, 1])
  # Make an output list
  output <- list('ConfusionMatrix' = conf, 'Accuracy' = acc)
  # Return list with the confusion matrix and the accuracy
TimoMatzen/RBM documentation built on June 1, 2019, 8:35 a.m.