
Defines functions my_auc

# my_auc.R
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Bahman Afsari, Albert Kuo
# Date last modified: Feb 1, 2021
# Functions for calculating AUC using the Mann-Whitney U Statistic

#' Calculate AUC for a column
#' Calculate AUC for one column using the Mann-Whitney U statistic
#' @param y an indicator variable column, i.e. the "true value" column
#' @param x a column of numeric values, e.g. the projected counts of a feature
#' @return \code{my_auc} returns a numeric AUC value
#' @noRd
my_auc <- function(y, x){
    # Handle missing observations
    missing_x <- is.na(x)
    } else if(any(missing_x)){
        x <- x[!missing_x]
        y <- y[!missing_x]
    ind <- which(y == 1)
    n1 <- sum(y == 1)
    n0 <- sum(y == 0)
    diff_rank <- sum(rank(x, ties.method = "first")[ind]) - n1*(n1+1)/2 
TomasettiLab/supersigs documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 12:53 a.m.