
#' Partition a dataset into K folds for cross-validation
#' @description This function takes a dataset as input and returns a list with
#'  indices for observations in each fold and the dataset itself.
#' @param k An iteger indicating the number of folds
#' @param seed An integer to set the random seed if desired. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @return
#' Returns a \code{list} of length K. Each element of this list has
#' indices for training and testing at each fold. For example, \code{training}
#' contains indices for K - 1 folds for training a model and \code{test} contains
#' indices for the K-th fold for testing.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars)
#' folds <- CreateKFolds(data = mtcars, k = 10)

CreateKFolds <- function(data, k, seed=NULL){

    # set seed if desired / not already set
    if( ! is.null(seed) ) set.seed(seed)

    # set up basics
    rows <- 1:nrow(data)

    size <- floor(nrow(data)/k)

    remainder <- nrow(data) - size * k

    # get the indexes of each fold into a list
    folds <- vector(mode="list", length=k)

    for(j in 1:k){
        folds[[ j ]] <- sample(rows, size=size, replace=FALSE)
        rows <- rows[ ! rows %in% folds[[ j ]] ]

    if( remainder > 0){
        for(j in 1:length(rows)){
            folds[[ j ]][ length(folds[[ j ]]) + 1 ] <- sample(rows, size=1)
            rows <- rows[ ! rows %in% folds[[ j ]] ]

    # combinations of each fold to use for training sets / test sets
    combos <- combn(x=1:k, m=(k-1))

    # pull indices into format that's easier to use
    cv.folds <- vector(mode="list", length=k)

    for( j in 1:k ){
        cv.folds[[ j ]]$training <- unlist( folds[ combos[ , j ] ] )
        cv.folds[[ j ]]$test <- folds[[ (1:k)[ ! (1:k) %in% combos[ , j ] ]  ]]

    result <- fold.indices
TommyJones/classifieR documentation built on May 9, 2019, 5:11 p.m.