Man pages for TrashBirdEcology/bbsRDM
Calculate regime detection metrics using bird communities

bbsRDMbbsRDM: A package for calculating various 'regime detection'...
birdsToFeathersSave BBS dataframe as a feather file
calculateMetricsCalculate regime detection metrics
createSamplingGridGenerate a sampling grid (rectangular) for regions in North...
funcMassLoad functional trait and mass data
getDataBBSDownload USGS Breeding Bird Survey data
getMilBasesGet military installation shapefile from online data repo and...
GetRegionsGet BBS region names for download route data.
getRouteInfoDownload route information from USGS server
GetSpNamesDownload species names
getSppListBBSImport the species list used by the BBS from website or local...
GetUnzipDownloads and unzips a zip archive
importDataBBSA wrapper function for downloading raw data, filtering by...
importResultsLoad the regime detection metric results (.feathers)
loadBirdFeathersLoad the BBS data feathers into R.
mergeFunMassBBSMerge functional group and mass data for species with BBS...
mungeSubsetDataMunge the subsetting data
myThemePlotting themes for BBS RDM
saveMyResultsSave results from distance travelled
sort.year.linePlot a single transect over multiple years, with one...
subsetByAOUSubset the BBS data by species, functional traits, and/or...
TrashBirdEcology/bbsRDM documentation built on July 21, 2019, 2:18 a.m.