simulate_stripes: simulate_stripes

View source: R/simulate_stripes.R

simulate_stripesR Documentation



Based on an existing background image, simulate stripes of cells representing vessels. The cell types and widths of the stripes can be specified. The locations of the stripes are randomly simulated. Please refer to the examples to check what properties of the stripes can be specified. The default values for the arguments give an example of vessel simulation which enable an automatic simulation of vessels without the specification of any argument.


  bg_sample = bg1,
  n_stripe_type = 2,
  stripe_properties = list(S1 = list(number_of_stripes = 1, name_of_stripe_cell =
    "Others", width_of_stripe = 80, infiltration_types = c("Immune"),
    infiltration_proportions = c(0.08)), S2 = list(number_of_stripes = 1,
    name_of_stripe_cell = "Others", width_of_stripe = 80, infiltration_types =
    c("Immune"), infiltration_proportions = c(0.08))),
  plot_image = TRUE,
  plot_categories = NULL,
  plot_colours = NULL



(OPTIONAL) A data frame or SpatialExperiment class object with locations of points representing background cells. Further cell types will be simulated based on this background sample. The data.frame or the spatialCoords() of the SPE object should have colnames including "Cell.X.Positions" and "Cell.Y.Positions". By default use the internal bg1 background image.


Number of stripe types. Should be the same as ⁠length(stripe_properties⁠.


List of the properties of the stripes. See examples for the format of the properties. Please refer to the examples for the structure of stripe_properties.


Boolean. Whether the simulated image is plotted. Default is TRUE.


String Vector specifying the order of the cell categories to be plotted. Default is NULL - the cell categories under the "Cell.Type" column would be used for plotting.


String Vector specifying the order of the colours that correspond to the plot_categories arg. Default is NULL - the predefined colour vector would be used for plotting.


A data.frame of the simulated image

See Also

simulate_background_cells for all cell simulation, simulate_mixing for mixed background simulation, simulate_clusters for cluster simulation, and simulate_immune_rings/simulate_double_rings for immune ring simulation

Other simulate pattern functions: simulate_background_cells(), simulate_clusters(), simulate_double_rings(), simulate_immune_rings(), simulate_mixing()


stripe_properties <- list(
S1 = list(
  number_of_stripes = 1,
  name_of_stripe_cell = "Others",
  width_of_stripe = 80,
  infiltration_types = c("Immune"),
  infiltration_proportions = c(0.08)
), S2 = list(
  number_of_stripes = 1,
  name_of_stripe_cell = "Others",
  width_of_stripe = 80,
  infiltration_types = c("Immune"),
  infiltration_proportions = c(0.08)))
stripe_image <- simulate_stripes(bg_sample = bg1, n_stripe_type=2,
stripe_properties = stripe_properties, plot_image = TRUE)

TrigosTeam/spaSim documentation built on May 25, 2023, 4:20 p.m.