

# Test data 1
time1 <- c("1950 Q1", "1950 Q2", "1950 Q3", "1950 Q4",
          "1951 Q1", "1951 Q2", "1951 Q3", "1951 Q4",
          "1952 Q1", "1952 Q2", "1952 Q3", "1952 Q4")
earnings1 <- c(0.71, 0.63, 0.82, 0.91,
              0.71, 0.63, 0.82, 0.91,
              0.71, 0.63, 0.82, 0.91)
ts_data1 <- tibble::tibble(time1, earnings1)
test_plot1 <- ts_plot(ts_data1, "earnings1", 4)

# Test data 2
time2 <- c("1950", "1951", "1952", "1953",
             "1954", "1955", "1956", "1957")
earnings2 <- c(0.71, 0.63, 0.82, 0.91,
              0.51, 1.31, 1.82, 2.01)
ts_data2 <- tibble::tibble(time2, earnings2)
test_plot2 <- ts_plot(ts_data2, "earnings2", 1)

# tests part
test_that("The returned plot should be a ggplot object.", {

test_that("The plot for annual time series should contain only 1 line chart", {
  expect_equal(length(test_plot2$layers), 1)
  expect_true("GeomLine" %in% c(class(test_plot2$layers[[1]]$geom)))

test_that("The plot for quarterly time series should contain 4 subplots", {
  expect_equal(length(test_plot1$layers), 4)
  expect_true("GeomLine" %in% c(class(test_plot1$layers[[1]]$geom)))
  expect_true("GeomSegment" %in% c(class(test_plot1$layers[[2]]$geom)))
  expect_true("GeomHline" %in% c(class(test_plot1$layers[[3]]$geom)))
  expect_true("GeomRect" %in% c(class(test_plot1$layers[[4]]$geom)))

test_that("Corresponding error message should be expected if the data argument doesn't link to a dataframe/tibble.", {
  expect_error(ts_plot(time1, "earnings1", 4),
              regexp = "Data must be of type tibble or data.frame")

test_that("Corresponding error message should be expected if the col argument is not a string", {
  expect_error(ts_plot(ts_data1, 2, 4),
              regexp = "The column name should be a string")

test_that("Corresponding error message should be expected if the frequency argument is not an integer", {
  expect_error(ts_plot(ts_data1, "earnings1", "4"),
              regexp = "The frequency of time series should be an integer chosen from 1, 4, 12, 52")

test_that("Corresponding error message should be expected if the frequency argument is not proper", {
  expect_error(ts_plot(ts_data1, "earnings1", 5),
              regexp = "The frequency of time series should be an integer chosen from 1, 4, 12, 52")

test_that("Corresponding error message should be expected if the col argument is not a column name", {
  expect_error(ts_plot(ts_data1, "earning", 4),
                regexp = "The column names were not found")
UBC-MDS/ggexpress documentation built on March 29, 2020, 9:13 p.m.