
Defines functions find_fruits_veg

Documented in find_fruits_veg

#' find_fruits_veg Documentation
#' @description
#' Returns the indices of numeric and categorical variables in the dataset
#' @param df An input dataframe
#' @param type_of_out A character that indicates the wanted type (numeric/ categorical) of data
#' @return A vector of indices of wanted data type (numeric/ categorical)
#' @examples
#' find_fruits_veg(iris, 'num')
#' @export
find_fruits_veg <- function(df, type_of_out = 'categ') {
  list_of_categ <- c()
  list_of_num <- c()
  df_clean <- tidyr::drop_na(df)
  if (!is.element(type_of_out, c('num','categ'))) {
    return("Wrong input of type_of_out, try 'num' or 'categ'")
  if (dim(df_clean)[1] == 0) {
    return("It is a empty data frame or too many missing data")
  for (i in c(1:dim(df_clean)[2])){
    if (!is.factor(df_clean[,i])){
      list_of_num[i] <- i}
    if (is.factor(df_clean[,i])){
      list_of_categ[i] <- i}
  if (type_of_out == 'categ'){
    return (list_of_categ[!is.na(list_of_categ)])}
  if (type_of_out== 'num'){
    return (list_of_num[!is.na(list_of_num)])}
UBC-MDS/mealprepR documentation built on April 1, 2020, 4:36 a.m.