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A dataset containing the obesity dataset for the years 1960-2019. The original dataset has been joined with World Bank indicator data. Data are partitioned into mutually exclusive strata (rows) so that they may be aggregated according to user needs.
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A data frame with 23,138 rows and 18 variables:
The country name.
The year of stratum.
The sex of individuals in the stratum.
The ISO 2-letter country code.
The ISO 3-letter country code.
The geographic region of the country.
The capital city of the country.
The longitude of the capital city.
The latitude of the capital city.
The name of the country income group.
The name of the IMF country lending category.
The country life expectancy for the stratum.
The number of literate individuals for the stratum (row)
The population count of the stratum (row).
The number of individuals in the stratum (row) who have completed basic primary education
The number of individuals in the stratum (row) who smoke.
The number of individuals in the stratum (row) who are unemployed.
The number of individuals in the stratum (row) who are obese.
A placeholder column with level "All" for dashboarding purposes only.
A dichotomous variable indicating whether the smoking data is observed or imputed (missing).
The count of youth in the stratum (row).
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