
#' Proportion of deaths, country: Italy
#' Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years (%)
#' A dataset containing the prices and other attributes of almost 54,000
#' diamonds.
#' @format A data frame with 765 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cause_of_death}{The cause of the death.}
#'   \item{percentuale}{Percentage of death for the corresponding cause among
#'     year and class of children age.
#'   }
#'   \item{anno}{Reference year.}
#'   \item{mesi}{Class of children age expressed in month range from the birth.}
#' }
#' @section Data Type Representation:
#'   Proportion (within the variable)
#' @section Topic:
#'   Mortality
#' @section Rationale:
#'   Efforts to improve child survival can be effective only if they are based
#'   on reasonably accurate information about the causes of childhood deaths.
#'   Cause-of-death information is needed to prioritize interventions and plan
#'   for their delivery, to determine the effectiveness of disease-specific
#'   interventions, and to assess trends in disease burden in relation to
#'   national and international goals.
#' @section Definition:
#'   Distribution of main causes of death among children aged < 5 years,
#'   expressed as percentage of total deaths. The causes of death refers to the
#'   concept of the 'underlying cause of death' as defined by ICD-10
#'   (WHO, 1992).
#' @section Associated terms:
#'   Underlying cause of death : a) the disease or injury which initiated the
#'   train of morbid events leading directly to death, or (b) the circumstances
#'   of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury (ICD-10)
#' @section Preferred data sources:
#'   Civil registration with complete coverage and medical certification of
#'   cause of death
#' @section Other possible data sources:
#'   Special studies
#' @section Method of measurement:
#'   Data from civil registration with complete coverage (80% or over) and
#'   medical certification of cause of death, or nationally representative
#'   epidemiological studies of causes of child death (special studies analysing
#'    causes of death based on verbal autopsy studies or other sources for
#'    countries without civil registration data).
#' @section Method of estimation:
#'   Estimates of child causes of death were prepared by WHO and the Maternal
#'   Child Epidemiology Estimation group (MCEE).   WHO regularly receives
#'   mortality-by-cause data from Member States, as recorded in national civil
#'   registration systems. These statistics are evaluated for their
#'   completeness and quality. Complete and nationally-representative data
#'   were then grouped by ICD codes into the cause categories, and the
#'   proportions of these causes with regard to the total number of deaths of
#'   children aged less than 5 years were then computed.   For low mortality
#'   countries without adequate vital registration data, the cause
#'   distribution was estimated using a multinomial model applied to death
#'   registration data. For high mortality countries without adequate vital
#'   registration data, the cause distribution was estimated using a
#'   multinomial model applied to (largely) verbal autopsy (VA) data from
#'   research studies. Cause-specific under-five mortality estimates from
#'   the WHO technical programmes and UNAIDS were taken into account in
#'   assigning the distribution of deaths to specific causes. A variety of
#'   methods were used by MCEE and WHO to develop country- and regional-level
#'   cause-specific mortality estimates.   For more details on MCEE/WHO
#'   methodology to estimate child causes of death, please click here.
#'   Predominant type of statistics: predicted and adjusted.
#' @section M&E Framework:
#'   Impact
#' @section Method of estimation of global and regional aggregates:
#'   Aggregation of estimates for WHO Member States
#' @section Disaggregation:
#'   Age
#' @section Expected frequency of data dissemination:
#'   Annual
#' @section Expected frequency of data collection:
#'   Annual
#' @section Links:
#'   Global Health Estimates (WHO website)
#' @section Comments:
#'   A better understanding of the indirect contributions of diseases to child
#'   deaths is needed in order to assess disease control priorities and evaluate
#'   interventions.
#' @source \url{http://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main-amro.ghe3002015-ITA}
#' @format A data frame with 165 observations and 226 variables:
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