Release summary

Test environments

R CMD check results

There were 4 notes during the checks.

  1. I am the maintainer of the package and have updated the email address.

``` * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [15s] NOTE Maintainer: 'Adam Blake'

New maintainer: Adam Blake Old maintainer(s): Adam Blake ```

  1. On Windows Server 2022, R-devel, 64 bit:

* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... NOTE Found the following files/directories: ''NULL''

As noted in R-hub issue #560, this seems to be an Rhub issue and so can likely be ignored.

  1. On Windows Server 2022, R-devel, 64 bit:

* checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE Found the following files/directories: 'lastMiKTeXException'

As noted in R-hub issue #503, this could be due to a bug/crash in MiKTeX and can likely be ignored.

  1. On Fedora Linux, R-devel, clang, gfortran, and on Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1 LTS, R-release, GCC:

* checking HTML version of manual ... NOTE Skipping checking HTML validation: no command 'tidy' found

As noted in R-hub issue #548, this is a missing formatter/linter on R-Hub and can likely be ignored.

Reverse dependencies

Dependencies were identified with devtools::revdep() and tested with revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 4). No problems were found.


UCLATALL/supernova documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 6:57 a.m.