plot_lesion_segregation: Plot the strands of variants to show lesion segregation

View source: R/plot_lesion_segregation.R

plot_lesion_segregationR Documentation

Plot the strands of variants to show lesion segregation


The strands of variants in a GRanges object is plotted. This way the presence of any lesion segregation is visualized. The function can plot either a single or multiple samples. Per chromosome, the ratio of the mutations on the chromosomal strands is visualised by a line. The position of this line is calculated as the mean of the "+" and "-" strand, where "+" equals 1 and "-" equals 0. In other words: this line lies between the two strands if the mutations are equally distributed between them, and approaches a strand if the majority of mutations on a chromosome lie on that strand.


  per_chrom = FALSE,
  sample_name = NA,
  min_muts_mean = 10,
  chromosomes = NA,
  subsample = NA



GRanges or RGrangesList object.


Boolean. Determines whether to create a separate plot per chromosome.


Name of the sample. Is used as the title of the plot. Not very useful if you have more than one sample.


Integer. The minimum of mutations, required for the mean strand of a chromosome to be calculated.


Character vector. Determines chromosomes to be used and their order.


Double between 0 and 1. Subsamples the amount of mutations to create a plot with less dots. Such a plot is easier to modify in a vector program like illustrator. (default: NA)


ggplot2 object

See Also


Other Lesion_segregation: calculate_lesion_segregation()


## See the 'read_vcfs_as_granges()' example for how we obtained the
## following data:
grl <- readRDS(system.file("states/read_vcfs_as_granges_output.rds",
  package = "MutationalPatterns"

## Plot lesion segregation

## Select a single GRanges object to plot.
gr <- grl[[1]]

## Plot lesion segregation for a single sample. 
## Also add a title to the plot.
plot_lesion_segregation(gr, sample_name = "Colon1")

## Plot lesion segregation per chromosome.
## We here store the results in a list.
figure_l = plot_lesion_segregation(gr, per_chrom = TRUE, sample_name = "Colon1")

## Plot specific chromosomes in a user specified order
plot_lesion_segregation(grl[1:3], chromosomes = c(2,3))

## Subsample the mutations, so less points are plotted.
plot_lesion_segregation(grl[1:3], subsample = 0.2)

UMCUGenetics/MutationalPatterns documentation built on Nov. 24, 2022, 4:31 a.m.