
##Create TPS file with SIEI Palettes for Tableau

# DEPENDENCIES ------------------------------------------------------------

  # library(glitr)

# FUNCTION - PREP PALETTE TEXT --------------------------------------------

  #function to prepare text for tps file base on each palette
  tps_fcn <- function(pal_num){

    pal <- names(si_palettes[pal_num])

    pal <- pal %>%
      str_replace_all("_", " ") %>%
      str_remove(" colors") %>%
      str_to_title() %>%
      str_replace("Siei", "OHA") %>%
      str_replace("Usaid", "USAID") %>%
      str_replace(" D$", " (cat)") %>%
      str_replace(" C$", " (mono)") %>%
      str_replace(" T$", " (tint)") %>%
      str_replace("Achv", "Achievement") %>%
      str_replace("(?<!(Pair|Agencie))s$", "s (mono)") %>%
      str_replace("(Denim|Rose|Blue|Sienna|Scooter|Sand|Genoa)$", "\\1 (cat)") %>%
      paste("OHA", .) %>%
      str_replace("OHA (OHA|USAID)", "\\1")

    theme <- glue('   <color-palette name="{pal}" type = "regular">')

    col <- si_palettes[pal_num] %>%

    col <-  glue('   <color>{col}</color>') %>%
      paste(collapse = " \n")

    paste(theme, '\n', col, '\n   </color-palette>\n\n')

# SETUP PALETTES FOR EXPORT -----------------------------------------------

  #run fcn for each set of palettes - SIEI, all SIEI colors, SIEI Sequential, USAID
  index_siei <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "(siei|siei_pairs)$")
  siei <- map(index_siei, tps_fcn) %>% unlist() %>% paste0(collapse = "")
  index_all_col <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "midnight_blue|viking|electric_indigo|orchid_bloom|sun_kissed|hunter|lavender_haze|tango")
  all_col <- map(index_all_col, tps_fcn) %>% unlist() %>% paste0(collapse = "")
  index_seq <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "_(t|c)$")
  seq <- map(index_seq, tps_fcn) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    paste0(collapse = "") %>%
    str_replace_all("mono", "seq") %>%
    str_replace_all("regular", "ordered-sequential")
  index_other <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "(siei_achv|siei_agencies)$")
  other <- map(index_other, tps_fcn) %>% unlist() %>% paste0(collapse = "")

  #run fcn for each set of classic palettes
  index_siei_classic <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "(siei_classic|siei_classic_pairs)$")
  siei_classic <- map(index_siei_classic, tps_fcn) %>% unlist() %>% paste0(collapse = "")
  index_all_col_classic <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "denim|old_rose|moody_blue|burnt_sienna|scooter|golden_sand|genoa")
  all_col_classic <- map(index_all_col_classic, tps_fcn) %>% unlist() %>% paste0(collapse = "")
  index_seq_classic <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "(denim|old_rose|moody_blue|burnt_sienna|scooter|golden_sand|genoa)s$")
  seq_classic <- map(index_seq_classic, tps_fcn) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    paste0(collapse = "") %>%
    str_replace_all("mono", "seq") %>%
    str_replace_all("regular", "ordered-sequential")
  index_other_classic <- str_which(names(si_palettes), "(siei_classic_achv|siei_classic_agencies|usaid_colors)$")
  other_classic <- map(index_other_classic, tps_fcn) %>% unlist() %>% paste0(collapse = "")

  #pull it all together for the file
  txt <-
    paste("<?xml version = '1.0'>",
          "   <preferences>",
          "   </preferences>",
          sep = "\n")


# PALETTE NAMES -----------------------------------------------------------

  # names(si_palettes[1:50])%>%
  #   str_replace_all("_", " ") %>%
  #   str_remove(" colors") %>%
  #   str_to_title() %>%
  #   str_replace("Siei", "OHA") %>%
  #   str_replace("Usaid", "USAID") %>%
  #   str_replace(" D$", " (cat)") %>%
  #   str_replace(" C$", " (mono)") %>%
  #   str_replace(" T$", " (tint)") %>%
  #   str_replace("Achv", "Achievement") %>%
  #   str_replace("(?<!(Pair|Agencie))s$", "s (mono)") %>%
  #   str_replace("(Denim|Rose|Blue|Sienna|Scooter|Sand|Genoa)$", "\\1 (cat)") %>%
  #   paste("- OHA", .) %>%
  #   str_replace("OHA (OHA|USAID)", "\\1") %>%
  #   str_replace("\\(cat\\)", "(cat) [ordered categorical colors]") %>%
  #   str_replace("\\(mono\\)", "(mono) [monochromatic colors]") %>%
  #   str_replace("\\(tint\\)", "(tint) [monochromatic colors]") %>%
  #   str_replace("\\(seq\\)", "(seq) [monochromatic colors/tints]") %>%
  #   clipr::write_clip()

# README CREATION ---------------------------------------------------------

  txt_readme <- glue("
    ### How to import OHA Color Palettes into Tableau
    adapted from ICPI
    updated: {Sys.Date()}

    #### Instructions
    1. Edit your local preferences file (Preferences.tps) located in your My Tableau Repository (by default, its found under My Documents). The file is a basic XML file that you can open in a text editor to modify.
    2. Open the Preferences.tps file with any Text Editor (e.g. Notepad, Notepad ++, Sublime, VSCode, Atom, etc.)
    3. Copy and paste the color palette code (found between the preference lines) in the Preferences.tps file.
    4. Save the Preferences.tps file and restart Tableau. You'll see the new color palettes in Tableau.

    #### Included Palettes
    - OHA
    - OHA Pairs
    - OHA Midnight Blue (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Viking (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Electric Indigo (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Orchid Bloom (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Sun Kissed (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Hunter (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Lavender Haze (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Tango (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Midnight Blue (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Viking (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Slate (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Electric Indigo (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Orchid Bloom (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Sun Kissed (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Hunter (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Lavender Haze (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Tango (tint) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Midnight Blue (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Viking (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Slate (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Electric Indigo (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Orchid Bloom (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Sun Kissed (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Hunter (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Lavender Haze (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Tango (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Achievement
    - OHA Agencies
    - OHA Classic
    - OHA Classic Pairs
    - OHA Denim (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Old Rose (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Moody Blue (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Burnt Sienna (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Scooter (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Golden Sand (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Genoa (cat) [ordered categorical colors]
    - OHA Denims (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Old Roses (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Moody Blues (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Burnt Siennas (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Scooters (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Golden Sands (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Genoas (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Trolley Greys (mono) [monochromatic colors]
    - OHA Classic Achievement
    - OHA Classic Agencies
    - USAID

    For more info:

  # cat(txt_readme)

# EXPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------

  #write files
  out <- tempdir()
  writeLines(txt, file.path(out, "Preferences.tps"))
  writeLines(txt_readme, file.path(out, "README.txt"))

  #zip files
  zip_folder <- file.path(out, "")
  files <- list.files(out, "tps|txt|png", full.names = TRUE)
  zip(zip_folder, files, extras = "-j")

  #upload to drive
            path = as_id("15n_QOPOmGIKGnf1qHlc6ccMC3PsEA1v-"),
            name = basename(zip_folder))
USAID-OHA-SI/glitr documentation built on July 5, 2024, 3:24 p.m.