Man pages for USAID-OHA-SI/tameDP
Import targets and PLHIV data from COP Target Setting Tool (formerly Data Pack)

age_band_crosswalkCrosswalk to collapse age bands in MSD to match TST for COP23
agg_dpAggregate Targets to IM or PSNU level
align_agecoarseAlign Age with Age Coarse
align_msd_disaggAlign MSD extract to disaggregates in Target Setting Tool
apply_classApply variable class
apply_fyApply Fiscal Year
apply_prioritizationApply Prioritization
apply_snu1Apply SNU1 to dataframe
apply_stampsApply Source File Name and Date Stamp
calculate_indsAdd Calculated Indicators
clean_indicatorsClean Up Indicators and Disaggregates
convert_modsDuplicate and convert modalities to HTS_TST
get_namesImport mechanism specific info from DATIM
grab_infoPull Information from Target Setting Tool "Home" Tab
grab_prioritizationIdentify Prioritization
grab_snu1Identify SNU1 associated with PSNU
import_dpImport Tabs from the Target Setting Tool
import_plhivImport PLHIV and current on ART Datapacks
is_fileIs the filepath correct for the Target Setting Tool
is_sheetCheck if a sheet exits in Target Setting Tool
is_xlsCheck if the filepath is .xls or .xlsx
join_dp_msdJoin TST output with MSD output
lazy_psnuxim_handlingLazy PSNUxIM Tool handling
limit_datatypeLimit Dataset Type
map_disaggsMap Standardized Disaggregate
match_col_typeMatch Column Type
mer_disagg_mappingTable of indicators and their disaggs
mer_historic_disagg_mapping_2024Table of MER indicators and disaggs including historic...
msd_historic_disagg_mappingTable of MER indicators and disaggs including historic...
no_connectionCheck if computer has internet connection
order_varsOrder variables
ou_ctry_mappingCurrent Table of PEPFAR Operating Units and Counties
pipePipe operator
pivot_resultsPivot Results
reshape_dpReshape Target Setting Tool Long
reshape_psnuimReshape Target Setting Tool Long
reshape_tabReshape Target Setting Tool Tab Long
return_tabReturn Tab
split_psnuClean & Separate PSNU and PSNU UIDS
subset_prioritizationSubset Prioritization Tab
subset_psnuximSubset PSNUxIM Tab
subset_standardSubset Standard Tabs
tame_dpExport Tidy data from Target Setting Tool
tameDP-packagetameDP: Import targets and PLHIV data from COP Target Setting...
tame_joinJoin TST output with MSD output
tame_plhivExport Tidy PLHIV data from Target Setting Tool
tame_subnatExport Tidy SUBNAT data from Target Setting Tool
USAID-OHA-SI/tameDP documentation built on March 16, 2024, 6:26 a.m.