Structure-of-the-data: Data structure on the FCTC

Description Details Article 2 And 26 Assistance Provided Article 2 And 26 Assistance Received Article 2 And 26 Other Questions Related To Assistance Article 2 And 26 Priorities And Comments Article 5 Article 6 Article 8 Article 9 Article 10 Article 11 Article 12 Article 13 Article 14 Article 15 Article 16 Article 17 Article 18 Article 19 Article 20 Last update


This entry describes how the data is structure in terms of articles of the convention and sections of the reporting instrument.


The data is organized in the same way that it was presented on the website, with the sections of the Reporting Instrument grouped by articles.

Article 2 And 26 Assistance Provided

This article is associated with the dataset 2_and_26_assistance_provided. It includes the following sections:

Article 2 And 26 Assistance Received

This article is associated with the dataset 2_and_26_assistance_received. It includes the following sections:

Article 2 And 26 Other Questions Related To Assistance

This article is associated with the dataset 2_and_26_other_questions_related_to_assistance. It includes the following sections:

Article 2 And 26 Priorities And Comments

This article is associated with the dataset 2_and_26_priorities_and_comments. It includes the following sections:

Article 5

This article is associated with the dataset 5. It includes the following sections:

Article 6

This article is associated with the dataset 6. It includes the following sections:

Article 8

This article is associated with the dataset 8. It includes the following sections:

Article 9

This article is associated with the dataset 9. It includes the following sections:

Article 10

This article is associated with the dataset 10. It includes the following sections:

Article 11

This article is associated with the dataset 11. It includes the following sections:

Article 12

This article is associated with the dataset 12. It includes the following sections:

Article 13

This article is associated with the dataset 13. It includes the following sections:

Article 14

This article is associated with the dataset 14. It includes the following sections:

Article 15

This article is associated with the dataset 15. It includes the following sections:

Article 16

This article is associated with the dataset 16. It includes the following sections:

Article 17

This article is associated with the dataset 17. It includes the following sections:

Article 18

This article is associated with the dataset 18. It includes the following sections:

Article 19

This article is associated with the dataset 19. It includes the following sections:

Article 20

This article is associated with the dataset 20. It includes the following sections:

Last update

This dataset has been generated on 2017-12-01 11:52:53

USCCANA/fctc documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:34 p.m.