fctc-reporting: Reporting instrument

Description Details Reporting on the implementation of the Convention (extract from the website) References


The implementation data presented in this R package was downloaded from the WHO FCTC Implementation Database. That website itself provides public access to the implementation data that the WHO has collected by each party members' self reports.


The reporting instrument is included in this R package as a vignette and can be viewed by entering the following command on the console

vignettes("en_core_questionnaire_v2016", package="fctc")

The following documents are included as vignettes in the package:

Reporting on the implementation of the Convention (extract from the website)

The WHO FCTC requires each Party to submit to the Conference of the Parties (COP), through the Convention Secretariat, periodic reports on its implementation of the Convention.

The objective of reporting is to enable Parties to learn from each others<e2><80><99> experience in implementing the WHO FCTC. Parties' reports are also the basis for reviews by the COP of progress in implementation of the Convention internationally. [...]


FCTC reporting website http://www.who.int/fctc/reporting/en/

USCCANA/fctc documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:34 p.m.