
Defines functions vecprint

# Function: vecprint (not exported)
# Programmer: Tom Kincaid
# Date: February 6, 2004
# Last Revised:  May 3, 2004
#' Internal Function: Create Vector to Print
#' This function takes an input vector and outputs a character string with line
#' breaks inserted so that, whenever possible, no line in the string exceeds the
#' input value n_char, which is set to 78 characters by default.  The input
#' vector is coereced to mode character.  When an element of the input vector is
#' greater than n_char characters in length, then that element is inserted in
#' the output character string as an individual line.
#' @param x Character vector.
#' @param n_char The maximum number of characters per line.  The default is \code{78}.
#' @return  Character string that is suitable for printing by the functions:
#'   \code{stop}, \code{warning}, or \code{cat}.
#' @author Tom Kincaid \email{Kincaid.Tom@@epa.gov}
#' @examples
#' sites <- paste("Site Number", 1:50)
#' sites_str <- vecprint(sites)
#' cat(sites_str)
#' temp <- c(1, 5, 21:25, 33:37)
#' sites_str <- vecprint(sites[temp])
#' warning(paste("\nThe following site ID values were removed from the
#'   analysis:\n", sites_str, sep = ""))
#' @noRd

vecprint <- function(x, n_char = 78) {
  x <- as.character(x)
  n <- length(x)
  nc <- nchar(x)

  i <- 1
  j <- 1
  nc_sum <- 0
  x_str <- character()
  while (j <= n) {
    if ((nc_sum + nc[j]) <= n_char) {
      nc_sum <- nc_sum + nc[j] + 2
      j <- j + 1
    } else {
      if (i == j) {
        x_str <- paste(x_str, x[j], "\n")
      } else {
        j <- j - 1
        x_str <- paste(x_str, paste(x[i:j], collapse = ", "), "\n")
      j <- j + 1
      i <- j
      nc_sum <- 0
  if (i < j) {
    j <- j - 1
    x_str <- paste(x_str, paste(x[i:j], collapse = ", "), "\n")

USEPA/spsurvey documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 6:05 a.m.