plotMonthTrend: Plot monthly trend result from runPairs

View source: R/plotMonthTrend.R

plotMonthTrendR Documentation

Plot monthly trend result from runPairs


Plot monthly trend result from runPairs. The change in concentration or flux is calculated from the runPairs function. This plotting function shows an arrow for each month. If the trend from year1 to year2 was increasing, the arrow is red and pointing up. If the trend was decreasing, the arrow is black and pointing down.


plotMonthTrend(pairResults, yMax = NA, arrowFactor = 0.75, flux = TRUE,
  printTitle = TRUE, concLab = 1, monthLab = 1)



results from runPairs.


numeric. Upper limit for plot. Default is NA, which will use the maximum of the data.


numeric. Scaling factor for the size of the arrows. The arrows are automatically scaled to the overall trend. This scaling factor helps adjust how big/small they are.


logical. TRUE is flux, FALSE is concentration. Default is TRUE.


logical variable if TRUE title is printed, if FALSE title is not printed (this is best for a multi-plot figure)


object of concUnit class, or numeric represented the short code, or character representing the descriptive name. By default, this argument sets concentration labels to use either Concentration or Conc (for tiny plots). Units are taken from the eList$INFO$param.units. To use any other words than "Concentration" see vignette(topic = "units", package = "EGRET").


object of monthLabel class, or numeric represented the short code, or character representing the descriptive name.


The flux values for each month are flow normalized monthly watershed yields expressed as kg/month/km^2. The concentrations are the mean flow normalized concentration, expressed in whatever concentration units the raw data are expressed as (typically mg/L).


Base R plot of monthly trends


eList <- Choptank_eList
year1 <- 1985
year2 <- 2010

pairOut_1 <- runPairs(eList, year1, year2, windowSide = 0)

plotMonthTrend(pairOut_1, flux = FALSE)

eList <- setPA(eList, paStart = 12, paLong = 3)
pairOut_2 <- runPairs(eList, year1, year2, windowSide = 0)


eList <- setPA(eList, paStart = 1, paLong = 12)
pairOut_3 <- runPairs(eList, year1, year2, windowSide = 0)



USGS-R/EGRET documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 5:30 p.m.