readNWISSample: Import NWIS Sample Data for EGRET analysis

View source: R/readNWISSample.R

readNWISSampleR Documentation

Import NWIS Sample Data for EGRET analysis


Imports data from NWIS web service. For raw data, use readWQPqw from the dataRetrieval package. This function will retrieve the raw data, and compress it (summing constituents) if more than 1 parameter code is supplied. See section 3.2.4 of the vignette for more details.


readNWISSample(siteNumber, parameterCd, startDate = "", endDate = "",
  verbose = TRUE)



character USGS site number. This is usually an 8 digit number


character USGS parameter code. This is usually an 5 digit number.


character starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Default is empty quotes "" which will retrieve the full period of record.


character ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Default is empty quotes "" which will retrieve the full period of record.


logical specifying whether or not to display progress message


A data frame 'Sample' with the following columns:

Name Type Description
Date Date Date
ConcLow numeric Lower limit of concentration
ConcHigh numeric Upper limit of concentration
Uncen integer Uncensored data (1=TRUE, 0=FALSE)
ConcAve numeric Average concentration
Julian integer Number of days since Jan. 1, 1850
Month integer Month of the year [1-12]
Day integer Day of the year [1-366]
DecYear numeric Decimal year
MonthSeq integer Number of months since January 1, 1850
SinDY numeric Sine of the DecYear
CosDY numeric Cosine of the DecYear

See Also

compressData, populateSampleColumns, readWQPqw


# These examples require an internet connection to run

Sample_01075 <- readNWISSample('01594440','01075', '1985-01-01', '1985-03-31')

USGS-R/EGRET documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 7:45 p.m.