
Defines functions plot_temp_compare

Documented in plot_temp_compare

#' Deprecated. Plot matching heatmaps for modeled and observed temp
#' @param nc_file Netcdf model output file
#' @param field_file CSV or TSV field data file (see \link{resample_to_field} for format)
#' @param fig_path F if plot to screen, string path if save plot as .png
#' @param resample sample the model output to the same time points as the observations?
#' @param interval Positive number indicating the depth interval in meters to interpolate output data. Must be less than max depth of lake. Default = 0.5 m. 
#' @param method String; 'match' for exact match or 'interp' for temporal interpolation
#' @param text.size Integer; Default is 12. Higher values will increase text size in plot.
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to \code{ggsave()}
#'@seealso Internally uses \code{\link{plot_var_compare}}, \code{\link{get_temp}} and \code{\link{resample_to_field}}
#'@author Luke Winslow
#'nc_file <- system.file("extdata", "output/output.nc", package = "glmtools")
#'field_file <- system.file("extdata", "LakeMendota_field_data_hours.csv", package = "glmtools")
#'plot_temp_compare(nc_file, field_file) ##makes a plot!
plot_temp_compare = function(nc_file, field_file, fig_path = NULL, resample=TRUE, 
                             interval = 1,method = 'match', text.size = 12, ...){
  .Deprecated('plot_var_compare',msg = 'Deprecated. Use `plot_var_compare`, where default is var_name = `temp`')
	plot_var_compare(nc_file, field_file, var_name='temp', fig_path=fig_path, resample=resample,
	                 interval = interval, method = method, text.size = text.size, ...)
USGS-R/glmtools documentation built on March 26, 2024, 5:43 p.m.