SetPolygons: Overlay Multi-Polygon Objects

View source: R/SetPolygons.R

SetPolygonsR Documentation

Overlay Multi-Polygon Objects


Calculate the intersection or difference between two multi-polygon objects.


SetPolygons(x, y, cmd = c("gIntersection", "gDifference"), buffer.width = NA)



'SpatialPolygons*'. Multi-polygon object


'SpatialPolygons*' or 'Extent'. Multi-polygon object


'character' string. Specifying "gIntersection", the default, cuts out portions of the x polygons that overlay the y polygons. If "gDifference" is specified, only those portions of the x polygons falling outside the y polygons are copied to the output polygons.


'numeric' number. Expands or contracts the geometry of y to include the area within the specified width, see gBuffer. Specifying NA, the default, indicates no buffer.


This function tests if the resulting geometry is valid. If invalid, an attempt is made to make the geometry valid by zero-width buffering.


An object of class 'SpatialPolygons*'.


J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center


m1a <- rbind(c(17.5, 55.1),
             c(24.7, 55.0),
             c(22.6, 61.1),
             c(16.5, 59.7),
             c(17.5, 55.1))
m1b <- m1a
m1b[, 1] <- m1b[, 1] + 11
p1 <- list(sp::Polygon(m1a, FALSE), sp::Polygon(m1b, FALSE))
p1 <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(p1, 1)))
sp::plot(p1, col = "blue")

m2a <- rbind(c(19.6, 60.0),
             c(35.7, 58.8),
             c(28.2, 64.4),
             c(19.6, 60.0))
m2b <- rbind(c(20.6, 56.2),
             c(30.9, 53.8),
             c(27.3, 51.4),
             c(20.6, 56.2))
p2 <- list(sp::Polygon(m2a, FALSE), sp::Polygon(m2b, FALSE))
p2 <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(p2, 2)))
sp::plot(p2, col = "red", add = TRUE)

p <- SetPolygons(p1, p2, "gIntersection")
sp::plot(p, col = "green", add = TRUE)

p <- SetPolygons(p2, p1, "gDifference")
sp::plot(p, col = "purple", add = TRUE)

USGS-R/inlmisc documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 2:38 a.m.