loadReg2: Create a fitted loadReg2 object.

View source: R/loadReg2.R

loadReg2R Documentation

Create a fitted loadReg2 object.


Generates a new model of class loadReg2 (loadReg2-class). loadReg2s are wrappers for loadReg objects produced by the USGS rloadest package. loadReg2s can implement the loadModelInterface more reliably than is possible for a loadReg object. Some metadata information is set within the loadReg() call; entries that can be edited may be given as arguments to the loadReg2() call (e.g., site.id, lat, lon, basin.area).


loadReg2(load.reg, pred.format = c("flux", "conc"), store = c("data",
  "fitting.function"), consti.name = "", load.rate = "",
  site.id = "", lat = as.numeric(NA), lon = as.numeric(NA),
  basin.area = as.numeric(NA), flow.site.name = "",
  flow.site.id = "", flow.lat = as.numeric(NA),
  flow.lon = as.numeric(NA), flow.basin.area = as.numeric(NA),
  basin.area.units = "km^2", custom = NULL, ...)



An unevaluated call to loadReg. This call will be parsed and evaluated within loadReg2 to create a fully functional load model for use within loadflex.


character. Should predictions be made for 'flux' (load rate) or 'conc' (concentration)? rloadest, and therefore loadReg2, uses different models for flux and concentration, though fitted to the same data and with the same model structure except for whether the left-hand side of the model formula is load rate or concentration. The model specific to pred.format will be used to generate predictions.


One or more character strings specifying which information to write within the model. Options are 'data': the original fitting data; 'fitting.function': a fitting function that can produce a new loadComp object from new data


character. Consituent long name, for use in plots and reports


character. The name of the data.frame column, if it exists, describing instantaneous load


character Station ID for the site where the concentration of the constituent was measured.


numeric Station latitude where concentration (and possibly also discharge) was measured.


numeric Station longitude where concentration (and possibly also discharge) was measured.


numeric Area of the drainage basin contributing water to the site where concentrations were measured.


character Long name of the station where flow was monitored, if different from where concentration was monitored (as in site.name).


character Station ID of the station where flow was monitored, if different from where concentration was monitored (as in site.id).


numeric Latitude of the station where flow was monitored, if different from where concentration was monitored (as in site.lat).


numeric Longitude of the station where flow was monitored, if different from where concentration was monitored (as in site.lon).


numeric Area of the drainage basin contributing water to the site where flow was monitored, if different from where concentration was monitored (as in basin.area).


character Units of the values in basin.area and flow.basin.area (must be the same for both). Basin areas are used to compute yields as loads per contributing (basin) area.


ANY. Empty by default, but may be modified to store any additional data the user wants to track.


Other arguments passed to this model.


A fitted loadReg2 model.

See Also

Other load.model.inits: loadComp, loadInterp, loadLm, loadModel


## Not run: 
no3_lr <- suppressWarnings(
  loadReg2(loadReg(NO3 ~ model(9), data=get(data(lamprey_nitrate)),
    flow="DISCHARGE", dates="DATE", time.step="instantaneous",
    flow.units="cfs", conc.units="mg/L", load.units="kg",
    station='Lamprey River, NH')))

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/loadflex documentation built on July 26, 2023, 9:54 p.m.