loadflex: Models and Tools for Watershed Flux Estimates

loadflexR Documentation

Models and Tools for Watershed Flux Estimates


Models and Tools for Watershed Flux Estimates


  • Linear and period-weighted interpolations: loadInterp

  • Generic regression-based models: loadModel

  • Regression-based models with rloadest (USGS, from LOADEST): loadReg2

  • Composite-method-based models: loadComp


  • Make predictions at the resolution of the predictor data: predictSolute

  • Collect predictions into means or totals over longer time periods: aggregateSolute


loadflex makes use of packages that are currently only available from GitHub or the USGS R package repository. To install these packages, run the following lines:

install.packages(c("smwrData", "smwrBase", "smwrGraphs", "smwrStats", "smwrQW", "rloadest", "unitted"), repos=c("https://owi.usgs.gov/R", "https://cran.rstudio.com"), dependencies=TRUE, type="both")

install.packages(c("car", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "lubridate", "MASS", "Matrix"), dependencies=TRUE, type="both")

You'll also need the 'devtools' package; see https://www.rstudio.com/products/rpackages/devtools/ for special instructions, and also run this command:


and lastly run this call to actually install 'loadflex':


USGS-R/loadflex documentation built on July 26, 2023, 9:54 p.m.