summarizeModel.loadComp: Extract model summary statistics from a loadComp model

View source: R/loadComp.R

summarizeModel.loadCompR Documentation

Extract model summary statistics from a loadComp model


Produce a 1-row data.frame of model metrics. The relevant metrics for loadComp models include two sets of statistics about autocorrelation (one for the regression residuals, one for the 'residuals' used to do the composite correction).


## S3 method for class 'loadComp'
summarizeModel(load.model, newdata,
  irregular.timesteps.ok = NA, ...)



A load model object, typically inheriting from loadModel and always implementing the loadModelInterface.


data.frame of data that was/will be used to predict concentration or load; should be the same as the newdata argument to predictSolute, e.g. a data.frame of daily or instantaneous dates and discharges.


logical. If FALSE, this function requires that the timesteps between observations are identical to one another, and a plot is generated and an error is thrown if this requirement is not met. If TRUE, the check is not performed. If NA (the default), the check is performed but the function proceeds with a warning and no plot if the timesteps are found to be irregular. Tests and estimates of autocorrelation are weak to wrong when timesteps are irregular, but timesteps are often at least a bit irregular in the real world.


Other arguments passed to model-specific methods


Returns a 1-row data frame with the following columns:

  • - the unique identifier of the site, as in metadata()

  • constituent - the unique identifier of the constituent, as in metadata()

  • RMSE.lin or RMSE.log - the square root of the mean squared error, in log space (RMSE.log) if the use.log equalled TRUE in the call to loadComp() that created this model.

  • reg.durbin.watson - the Durbin Watson test statistic as applied to the residuals from the regression model fitting process

  • reg.rho - the autocorrelation coefficient of the residuals from the regression model fitting process

  • int.durbin.watson - the Durbin Watson test statistic as applied to the residuals from the interpolation model fitting process. See residDurbinWatson()

  • int.rho - the autocorrelation coefficient of the residuals from the interpolation model fitting process. See estimateRho()

  • correction.frac - the correction fraction, i.e., the fraction of total concentration or flux prediction that is attributable to a correction such as the residuals correction of composite method models. See getCorrectionFraction()

See Also

Other summarizeModel: summarizeModel.loadInterp, summarizeModel.loadLm, summarizeModel.loadModel, summarizeModel.loadReg2, summarizeModel

USGS-R/loadflex documentation built on July 26, 2023, 9:54 p.m.