EstrendSub: EstrendSub Data

EstrendSubR Documentation

EstrendSub Data


A subset of stations and water-quality constituents from Schertz and others (1991). The water-quality constituents were selected to cover a range of censoring levels. The stations were selected to represent a range of sampling intensity and duration.




Data frame with 5428 rows and 18 columns

Name Type Description
STAID character USGS station identifier
DATES Date Sample date
QI numeric Instantaneous streamflow at time of sample
QD numeric daily mean streamflow for sample character Remark code for organic nitrogen concentration numeric Organic nitrogen concentration in mg/L
RAmmonia character Remark code for ammonia concentration
PAmmonia numeric Ammonia concentration in mg/L as N
RKjeldahl character Remark code for Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration
PKjeldahl numeric Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration in mg/L
RTotal.P character Remark code for total (whole water) phosphorus concentration
PTotal.P numeric Total (whole water) phosphorus concentrationin mg/L
RCopper character Remark code for copper concentration
PCopper numeric Copper concentration in ug/L
RIron character Remark code for iron concentration
PIron numeric Iron concentration in ug/L
Calcium numeric Calcium concentration in mg/L
Chloride numeric Chloride concentration in mg/L


The data include 8 water-quality constituents from 19 stations from Schertz and others (1991).


Schertz, T.L., Alexander, R.B., and Ohe, D.J., 1991, The computer program EStimate TREND (ESTREND), a system for the detection of trends in water-quality data: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 91-4040, 72 p.


## Not run: 
# Sampling date ranges for each station
with(EstrendSub, tapply(DATES, STAID, range))

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/restrend documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:10 a.m.