annualTrends: Annual Trends

View source: R/annualTrends.R

annualTrendsR Documentation

Annual Trends


Perform the annual Kendall trend test.


annualTrends(Stations = "All", Snames = "All", use.logs = FALSE,
  ar.adj = TRUE, report)



a vector of the the station identifiers on which to do the flow adjustment.


a vector of the response variables on which to do the flow adjustment.


log transform the data before the trend test?


adjust the attained p-value to account for serial correlation? See Details.


the name of the PDF file that contains a report for each test. The default is to use the name of the project with "_an" appended. If the PDF file exists, then it is not overwritten, but the name is appended with a sequence of numbers until one that is valid is created.


The kensen.test includes a correction to the attained p-value that accounts the first order auto regression of the data. It is applied whenever there are at least 10 observations. To suppress the correction, set ar.adj to FALSE, or a numeric value can be specified for the minimum number of observations, whihc can be useful for a ragged analysis. The value for ar.adj cannot be set to less than 10.


The name of the report file.

USGS-R/restrend documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:10 a.m.