GlacialRidge: Daily Groundwater Levels

GlacialRidgeR Documentation

Daily Groundwater Levels


Daily groundwater data for water year 2008 (October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008) for selected wells in the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Minnesota.




Data frame with 366 rows and 6 columns

Name Type Description
datetime Date Day
G01 numeric Data for well G01-R
G12 numeric Data for well G12-R
G20 numeric Data for well G20S-R
G25 numeric Data for well G25-R
G22 numeric Data for well G22S-R

Note all groundwater levels are depth below land surface in feet.


Data retrieved from NWISWeb ( on 2012-06-18. The data were rearranged and the columns renamed to the current format.


Cowdery, T. K., Lorenz, D. L, Arntson, D., 2008, Hydrology prior to wetland and prairie restoration in and around the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge, northwestern Minnesota, 2002–5: U.S Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5200, 68 p.


# Hydrographs showing the change in variability with depth
with(GlacialRidge, plot(datetime, G01, type='l', ylim=c(25, 0),
  ylab="Depth below landsurface, in feet"))
with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G12))
with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G20))
with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G25))
with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G22))

USGS-R/smwrData documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 9:56 a.m.