MC11_1993: Soil Temperature

MC11_1993R Documentation

Soil Temperature


Daily soil- and reference-temperature data for observation well MC11 for March 1, 1993 through November 30, 1993.




Data frame with 271 rows and 10 columns

Name Type Description
YEAR numeric Year of measurement
JULIAN numeric The Julian day of the year of the measurement
MONTH numeric Month of measurement
DAY numeric Day of month of measurement
TEMP.REF numeric Reference temperature in shelter
TEMP.0.5 numeric Soil temperature at 0.5 meter depth
TEMP.1.0 numeric Soil temperature at 1.0 meter depth
TEMP.1.5 numeric Soil temperature at 1.5 meter depth
TEMP.2.0 numeric Soil temperature at 2.0 meter depth
TEMP.2.5 numeric Soil temperature at 2.5 meter depth

Note: all temperatures are in degrees Celsius.


Extracted from the MC11 file on the CDROM in Landon and others (1997).


Landon, M.K., Delin, G.N., Nelson, K.J., Regan, C.P., Lamb, J.A., Larson, S.J., Capel, P.D., Anderson, J.L., and Dowdy, R.H., 1997, Water-quality and hydrogeologic data used to evaluate the effects of farming systems on ground-water quality at the Management Systems Evaluation Area near Princeton, Minnesota, 1991-95: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-22, 31 p.


## Not run: 
# plot the reference temperature
with(MC11_1993, plot(JULIAN, TEMP.REF, type='l'))

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/smwrData documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 9:56 a.m.