boxPlot.lcens: Box Plot

View source: R/boxPlot.lcens.R

boxPlot.lcensR Documentation

Box Plot


Produces an estimated or censored style box plot for truncated, Tukey, simple, or extended type box plot: methods for "lcens" and "qw" data. The Tukey type box plot requires an estimated style box plot.


## S3 method for class 'lcens'
boxPlot(..., group = NULL, Box = list(type = "truncated",
  show.counts = TRUE, censorbox = NA, censorstyle = "censored", nobox = 5, width
  = "Auto", fill = "none", truncated = c(10, 90)), yaxis.log = TRUE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = "Auto", xlabels = "Auto",
  xlabels.rotate = FALSE, xtitle = "", ytitle = "", caption = "",
  margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))

## S3 method for class 'qw'
boxPlot(..., group = NULL, Box = list(type = "truncated",
  show.counts = TRUE, censorbox = NA, censorstyle = "censored", nobox = 5, width
  = "Auto", fill = "none", truncated = c(10, 90)), yaxis.log = TRUE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = "Auto", xlabels = "Auto",
  xlabels.rotate = FALSE, xtitle = "", ytitle = "", caption = "",
  margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
boxPlot(..., group = NULL, Box = list(type =
  "truncated", show.counts = TRUE, censorbox = NA, censorstyle = "censored",
  nobox = 5, width = "Auto", fill = "none", truncated = c(10, 90)),
  yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = "Auto",
  xlabels = "Auto", xlabels.rotate = FALSE, xtitle = "", ytitle = "",
  caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))



the data to plot.


create groups of a single left-censored data vector. Invalid for anything else


control parameters for the box. See boxPlot


logical: log transform y axis?


set y-axis range.


set up y-axis labels. See linearPretty for details.


set up x-axis labels.


rotate x-axis labels 90 degrees?


the x-axis title.


the y-axis title.


the figure caption.


set up the plot area margins.


If group is numeric, then the boxes will be plotted along a continuous numeric axis. Otherwise the x-axis will be discrete groups.


Information about the graph.


The censored style box plot truncates the boxplot at the largest value of the reporting level. The estimated style box plot estimates values for left-censored data and uses those estimates to construct the full boxplot; the range of estimated values is shown in gray. The maximum reporting level, except for some simple heuristics for identifying elevated reporting levels, is used for the censoring level when there are multiple reporting levels.

The fillIn function is used to estimate values that are censored. If yaxis.log is TRUE, then the "log ROS" method is used to estimate those values, otherwise, the "ROS" method is used. Occasionally, estimated values by fillIn will estimate values for censored data that are greater than the censoring level. In those cases, a red bar is drawn on the box plot at the largest estimated value.

The default method for data frames in smwrGraphs is replaced with a method that supports data frames that contain columns of class "qw" or "lcens."

See Also



## Not run: 
Xu <- rlnorm(32)
setPage("sq") # required page set up
boxPlot(as.lcens(Xu, 1.0))

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/smwrQW documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:13 a.m.