end_point_info: Endpoint information from ToxCast

end_point_infoR Documentation

Endpoint information from ToxCast


Downloaded on October 2022 from ToxCast. The file name of the raw data was "assay_annotation_information_invitrodb_v3_5.xlsx" from the zip file "INVITRODB_V3_5_SUMMARY" folder. At the time of the toxEval package release, these data were found at: https://www.epa.gov/comptox-tools/exploring-toxcast-data in the section marked "Download Assay Information", in the ToxCast & Tox21 high-throughput assay information data set.


data frame with 72 columns. The columns and definitions are discussed in the "ToxCast Assay Annotation Version 1.0 Data User Guide (PDF)" (see source). The column "Relevance Category" was included for consideration of grouping/filtering endpoints based on user goals.




U.S. EPA. 2014. ToxCast Assay Annotation Data User Guide.


end_point_info <- end_point_info
head(end_point_info[, 1:5])

USGS-R/toxEval documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 6:24 p.m.