Man pages for USGS-R/wrv
Wood River Valley Groundwater-Flow Model

alluvium.extentExtent of Alluvium Unit
alluvium.thicknessThickness of the Quaternary Sediment
basalt.extentExtent of Basalt Unit
bellevue.wwtp.pondsBellevue Waste Water Treatment Plant Ponds
bypass.canalBypass Canal
canalsCanal Systems
canal.seepCanal Seepage
citiesCities and Towns
clay.extentExtent of Clay Unit
comb.sw.irrCombined Surface-Water Irrigation Diversions
div.gwGroundwater Diversions
div.ret.exchDiversions, Returns, and Exchange Wells
div.swSurface-Water Diversions
div.wwWastewater Treatment Plant Diversions
drainsDrain Boundaries at Stanton Crossing and Silver Creek
drybedDry River Bed and Stream Fed Creek Conditions
efficiencyIrrigation Efficiency
entity.componentsIrrigation Entity Components
et.methodMethod Used to Calculate Evapotranspiration
gage.dischDaily Mean Discharge at Streamgages
gage.heightDaily Mean Gage Height at Streamgages
GetSeasonalMultGet Seasonal Multiplier
GetWellConfigGet Well Completion and Pumping Rate in Model Space
hill.shadingLand Surface Hill Shading
idahoU.S. State of Idaho
irr.entitiesIrrigation Entities
irr.landsIrrigated Lands
irr.lands.yearIrrigation Lands for a Given Year
kriging.zonesKriging Zones
lakesLakes and Reservoirs
land.surfaceTopography of Land Surface
major.roadsMajor Roads
map.labelsMap Labels
misc.locationsMiscellaneous Locations
misc.seepageDirect Recharge from Miscellaneous Seepage Sites
obs.wellsObservation Wells
obs.wells.headHydraulic Heads in Observation Wells
pilot.pointsPilot Points
pod.gwPoints of Diversion for Groundwater
pod.wellsWell Completions
precipitationPrecipitation Rate
precip.zonesPrecipitation Zones
priority.cutsPriority Cuts
public.parcelsPublic Land Parcels
r.canalsRasterized Canals
reach.rechargeStream-Aquifer Flow Exchange Along River Reaches
river.reachesMajor River Reaches
rs.entitiesRasterized Monthly Irrigation Entities
rs.rech.non.irrRasterized Monthly Recharge on Non-Irrigated Lands
RunWaterBalanceRun Water Balance
seepage.studyStream Seepage Study
sensitivityPEST Sensitivity
soilsSoil Units
streams.riversStreams and Rivers
subreach.rechargeStream-Aquifer Flow Exchange Along River Subreaches
sweSnow Water Equivalent
tributariesTributary Basin Underflow
tributary.streamsTributary Streams
UpdateWaterBudgetUpdate Water Budget
weather.stationsWeather Stations
wl.200610Groundwater-Level Contours for October 2006
WriteModflowInputWrite MODFLOW Input Files
zone.propertiesHydraulic Properties of Hydrogeologic Zones
USGS-R/wrv documentation built on June 30, 2020, 11:07 p.m.