

#' Get user credentials from a file
#' Extracts the user credentials from a sepcified file
#' and returns it.
#' @param fileName - The name of the file containing user credentials (username and password)
#' @return The contents of the file
#' @export
get_creds <- function(fileName) {
  readCmd <- paste("cat ", fileName)
  creds <- system(readCmd, intern=TRUE)
  return (creds)

#' Get User Token from Keystone
#' Makes a call to keystone server to get a token based on the user credentials
#' @parm credsFileName - File containing user credentials
#' @return The auth token for the user
#' @export
get_token <- function (credsFileName) {
  creds <- get_creds(credsFileName)
  username <- creds[1]
  password <- creds[2]
  tenantName <- creds[3]
  h <- new_handle()
  handle_setheaders(h, "Content-Type" = "application/json", "Accept: application/json")
  httpheader <- "Content-Type: application/json"
  auth_data1 <- "{\"auth\":{\"passwordCredentials\":{ \"username\":\""
  auth_data2 <- "\",\"password\":\""
  auth_data3 <- "\"},\"tenantName\":\""
  auth_data4 <- "\"}}"
  auth_data <- paste(auth_data1, username, auth_data2, password, auth_data3, tenantName, auth_data4, sep="")
  handle_setopt(h, ssl_verifypeer = 0, post = 1, postfields = auth_data)
  #con <- jsonlite::fromJSON(curl("", handle=h))
  con <- jsonlite::fromJSON(getURL("",
                                   ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = httpheader, post = 1, postfields = auth_data))
  token <- con$access$token$id
  return (token)

#' Issue swift commands
#' Issues client commands against the opoenstack swift service
#' @param credsFileName - Filename where user credentials are stored
#' @parm - swiftCmd - The specified swift command
#' @parm - container - The container name
#' @parm - object - The object name
#' @export
swift <- function (credsFileName, container=NULL, object=NULL) {
  Xauth_token = paste("X-AUTH-TOKEN: ", get_token(credsFileName))
  if (is.null(swiftCmd) || swiftCmd == "list") {
    req <- getURL("", ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "get") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "put") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  return (req)

#' Issue swift commands
#' Issues client commands against the opoenstack swift service
#' @param credsFileName - Filename where user credentials are stored
#' @parm - swiftCmd - The specified swift command
#' @parm - container - The container name
#' @parm - object - The object name
#' @export
swift.list <- function (credsFileName, container=NULL, object=NULL) {
  Xauth_token = paste("X-AUTH-TOKEN: ", get_token(credsFileName))
  if (is.null(swiftCmd) || swiftCmd == "list") {
    req <- getURL("", ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "get") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "put") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  return (req)

#' Issue swift commands
#' Issues client commands against the opoenstack swift service
#' @param credsFileName - Filename where user credentials are stored
#' @parm - swiftCmd - The specified swift command
#' @parm - container - The container name
#' @parm - object - The object name
#' @export
swift.get <- function (credsFileName, container=NULL, object=NULL) {
  Xauth_token = paste("X-AUTH-TOKEN: ", get_token(credsFileName))
  if (is.null(swiftCmd) || swiftCmd == "list") {
    req <- getURL("", ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "get") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "put") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  return (req)

#' Issue swift commands
#' Issues client commands against the opoenstack swift service
#' @param credsFileName - Filename where user credentials are stored
#' @parm - swiftCmd - The specified swift command
#' @parm - container - The container name
#' @parm - object - The object name
#' @export
swift.put <- function (credsFileName, container=NULL, object=NULL) {
  Xauth_token = paste("X-AUTH-TOKEN: ", get_token(credsFileName))
  if (is.null(swiftCmd) || swiftCmd == "list") {
    req <- getURL("", ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "get") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  } else if (swiftCmd == "put") {
    url <- paste("", container, "/", object, sep="")
    req <- getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer = 0, httpheader = Xauth_token)
  return (req)
UTSA-ICS/Rswift documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:37 p.m.