
# Define custom theme -----------------------------------------------------
theme_xp_custom <- theme_xp_default()
theme_xp_custom$point_color <- 'green'
theme_xp_custom <- as.xpose.theme(theme_xp_custom)

# Tests start here --------------------------------------------------------

test_that('returns error on missing xpdb', {

test_that('returns identical xpdb if missing themes', {
  expect_identical(update_themes(xpdb = xpdb_ex_pk), xpdb_ex_pk)

test_that('full gg_themes are properly added', {
  expect_equal(ignore_attr = FALSE,
               update_themes(xpdb = xpdb_ex_pk, 
                             gg_theme = theme_bw2())$gg_theme, 
               check.attributes = FALSE,
               check.environment = FALSE

test_that('message returned on bad gg_theme input', {
  expect_message(update_themes(xpdb = xpdb_ex_pk, 
                               gg_theme = theme_xp_default(),
                               quiet = FALSE))

test_that('full xp_themes are properly added', {
  expect_equal(update_themes(xpdb = xpdb_ex_pk,
                             xp_theme = theme_xp_xpose4())$xp_theme,
               check.attributes = FALSE,
               check.environment = FALSE)

test_that('parial xp_themes are properly added', {
  test <- update_themes(xpdb = xpdb_ex_pk, xp_theme = c(point_color = 'green'))$xp_theme
  test_class <- class(test)
  test$labeller <- NULL ## Reduce sensibility to ggplot2 updates
  class(test) <- test_class
  ref <- theme_xp_custom
  ref_class <- class(ref)
  ref$labeller  <- NULL  ## Reduce sensibility to ggplot2 updates
  class(ref) <- ref_class
  expect_equal(test, ref)

test_that('message on unnamed xp_theme input', {
  expect_message(update_themes(xpdb = xpdb_ex_pk, 
                               xp_theme = c('blue', 'dashed'), 
                               quiet = FALSE))
UUPharmacometrics/xpose documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 7:21 a.m.