

# read county level household variables from Sloan database
temp <- tempfile(fileext = '.zip')
download.file('', temp)
temp_dir <- tempdir()
unzip(temp, exdir = temp_dir, junkpaths = TRUE)
countydata <- read_csv(paste(temp_dir, 'county_household.csv', sep='/'),
                       guess_max = 40000)

countydata <- countydata %>%
  # recode county changes - see
  # Shannon County, SD changed name to Oglala Lakota County effective May 1, 2015
  mutate(county = if_else(county == '46113', '46102', county)) %>%
  # Wade Hampton Census Area, AK changed name and code to Kusilvak Census Area effective July 1, 2015
  mutate(county = if_else(county == '02270', '02158', county)) %>%
  filter(YEAR == 2015) %>%
  mutate(hhpop = OWNERSHP_1 + OWNERSHP_2,
         horate = OWNERSHP_1 / hhpop) %>%
  select(year = YEAR, county_fips = county,
         hhpop, horate,
         medhhincome = HHINCOME_P50)

save(countydata, file = 'data/countydata.rda', compress = 'bzip2')
UrbanInstitute/urbnmapr documentation built on Sept. 8, 2019, 10:55 p.m.