
#' Effects of nitrogen fertiliser on yields of varieties of rice
#' The Rice dataset contains data from an experiment that studied 
#' the effect of three levels of nitrogen fertilizer on the yields 
#' of six varieties of rice. 
#' @format 
#'  \describe{A data frame with 54 observations on the following six variables:
#'  \item{Pair}{a factor}
#'  \item{Run}{a factor}
#'  \item{Variety}{a factor specifying the variety grown on each plot.}
#'  \item{yc}{a variate}
#'  \item{ye}{a variate}
#'  \item{syc}{a variate}
#'  \item{sye}{a variate}
#'  }
#' @source 
#'  R package:asreml
VSNC/VSN-EDU documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:11 p.m.