#' Map municipalities of old state to municipalities of new state
#' This function maps the Swiss municipalities of an old state to municipalities
#' of a new state.
#' \strong{Approach}
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Download the \href{https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfsstatic/dam/assets/11467405/master}{Swiss municipality inventory}
#' \item Import it into R workspace with \code{\link{import_CH_municipality_inventory}}
#' \item Set the old state and the new state (see example)
#' \item Get the mapping table with this function
#' }
#' \strong{Example Daettwil / Baden}
#' On 1.1.1962 Daettwil (Bfs Nr. 4025) merged with Baden (Bfs Nr. 4021).
#' Let's define \itemize{ \item old_state <- as.Date("1961-01-01") \item
#' new_state <- as.Date("1963-01-01") \item Result: \tabular{rrrrrr}{
#' bfs_nr_new \tab name_new \tab bfs_nr_old \tab name_old \cr 4021 \tab Baden \tab 4021 \tab Baden \cr 4021 \tab Baden \tab
#' 4025 \tab Daettwil } }
#' @param mutations A tibble containing the municipality mutations inventory (see
#' \code{\link{import_CH_municipality_inventory}})
#' @param state_old A \link{Date} object vector of length one containing the date of
#' the old state.
#' @param state_new A \link{Date} object vector of length one containing the date of
#' the new state.
#' @return A list with 4 elements:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item mapped: A tibble with the mapped municipalities
#' \item unmapped: A tibble with the unmapped municipalities
#' \item state_old: see above
#' \item state_new: see above
#' }
#' @examples
#' mutations <- structure(list(hist_id = c(11227L, 11240L, 13189L),
#' district_hist_id = c(10025L, 10025L, 10025L),
#' kanton_abbr = c("AG", "AG", "AG"),
#' bfs_nr = c(4025L, 4021L, 4021L),
#' name = c("Daettwil", "Baden", "Baden"),
#' admission_nr = c(1000L, 1000L, 1004L),
#' admission_mode = c(20L, 20L, 26L),
#' admission_date = structure(c(-3653, -3653, -2922),
#' class = c("Date")),
#' abolition_nr = c(1004L, 1004L, NA),
#' abolition_mode = c(29L, 26L, NA),
#' abolition_date = structure(c(-2923, -2923, NA),
#' class = c("Date")),
#' change_date = structure(c(-2923, -2923, -2922), class = c("Date"))),
#' row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
#' mapping_object <- map_old_to_new_state(mutations,
#' as.Date("1961-01-01"), as.Date("1963-01-01"))
#' @export
map_old_to_new_state <- function(mutations, state_old, state_new) {
if (state_old >= state_new) {
stop("New state needs to be bigger than old state")
# Mutation inventory (Search from beginning of DB to "state_new") -------------------
mutations_before_new_state <- filter(mutations, admission_date <= state_new)
bundle_list <- list()
bundle_counter <- 1
for (mutation_ii in 1:nrow(mutations_before_new_state)) {
mutation_entry <- mutations_before_new_state[mutation_ii, ]
hist_id_list <- list()
if (nrow(filter_date(mutation_entry, state_new)) > 0) {
hist_id_list[[1]] <- mutation_entry$hist_id
mutation_entry <- filter(mutations_before_new_state, abolition_nr %in% mutation_entry$admission_nr)
# Set counter
counter <- 2
while (nrow(mutation_entry) > 0) {
hist_id_list[[counter]] <- mutation_entry$hist_id
mutation_entry <- filter(mutations_before_new_state, abolition_nr %in% mutation_entry$admission_nr)
counter <- counter + 1
bundle_list[[bundle_counter]] <- tibble(bundle_id = bundle_counter,
hist_id = unlist(hist_id_list))
bundle_counter <- bundle_counter + 1
history <- do.call(rbind, bundle_list)
# Mapping ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Welche Gemeinden im State OLD gehören zur Gemeinde X im State NEW?
gemeinden_new_state <- filter_date(mutations, state_new)
# Get irreversible mutations
mutations_irreversible <- get_irreversible_municipality_mutations(mutations = mutations)
mapped_list <- list()
non_mapped_list <- list()
for (row_ii in 1:nrow(gemeinden_new_state)) {
gemeinde_x <- gemeinden_new_state[row_ii, ]
bundle_id_ <- filter(history, hist_id == gemeinde_x$hist_id)$bundle_id
hist_ids_of_bundle <- filter(history, bundle_id == bundle_id_)$hist_id
gemeinde_x_history <- filter(mutations, hist_id %in% hist_ids_of_bundle)
irrev_subset <- semi_join(mutations_irreversible, gemeinde_x_history, by = "hist_id")
irreversibility <- FALSE
if (nrow(irrev_subset) > 0) {
irrev_subset <- filter(irrev_subset, state == "admission")
irreversibility <- irrev_subset$admission_date > state_old & irrev_subset$admission_date < state_new
if (any(irreversibility)) {
entries_state_old <- filter_date(gemeinde_x_history, state_old)
non_mapped_list[[row_ii]] <- tibble(bfs_nr_new = gemeinde_x$bfs_nr,
name_new = gemeinde_x$name,
bfs_nr_old = entries_state_old$bfs_nr,
name_old = entries_state_old$name)
# No mapping, if irreversible
mapped_list[[row_ii]] <- tibble(bfs_nr_new = gemeinde_x$bfs_nr,
name_new = gemeinde_x$name,
bfs_nr_old = NA,
name_old = NA)
} else {
# Do mapping, if reversible
entries_state_old <- filter_date(gemeinde_x_history, state_old)
# Empty element: Required to get an empty tibble in the case when all
# municipalities can be mapped
non_mapped_list[[row_ii]] <- tibble(bfs_nr_new = numeric(),
name_new = character(),
bfs_nr_old = numeric(),
name_old = character())
mapped_list[[row_ii]] <- tibble(bfs_nr_new = gemeinde_x$bfs_nr,
name_new = gemeinde_x$name,
bfs_nr_old = entries_state_old$bfs_nr,
name_old = entries_state_old$name)
mapped <- do.call(rbind, mapped_list)
mapped <- mapped %>% arrange(bfs_nr_new)
unmapped_full <- do.call(rbind, non_mapped_list)
unmapped_full <- unmapped_full %>% arrange(bfs_nr_new)
unmapped_state_new <- select(unmapped_full, bfs_nr_new, name_new) %>% unique()
unmapped_state_old <- select(unmapped_full, bfs_nr_old, name_old) %>% unique()
unmapped <- list(state_old = unmapped_state_old, state_new = unmapped_state_new)
return(list(mapped = mapped, unmapped = unmapped,
state_old = state_old, state_new = state_new))
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