rx_end_of_line: Match the expression only if it appears till the end of the...

View source: R/rules.R

rx_end_of_lineR Documentation

Match the expression only if it appears till the end of the line.


Control whether to match the expression only if it appears till the end of the line. Basically, append a $ to the end of the expression. The dollar sign is considered an anchor and matches the position of characters. It can be used to "anchor" the regex match at a certain position, in this case the dollar sign matches right after the last character in the string.


rx_end_of_line(.data = NULL, enable = TRUE)



Expression to match, typically pulled from the pipe %>%


Whether to enable this behavior, defaults to TRUE


Anchors: https://www.regular-expressions.info/anchors.html


rx_end_of_line(enable = TRUE)
rx_end_of_line(enable = FALSE)
rx_end_of_line("abc", enable = TRUE)

# create expression
x <- rx() %>%
  rx_start_of_line(FALSE) %>%
  rx_find("apple") %>%

grepl(x, "apples") # should be false
grepl(x, "apple")  # should be true

VerbalExpressions/RVerbalExpressions documentation built on March 27, 2024, 8:20 a.m.