rx_range: Match any character within the range defined by the...

View source: R/rules.R

rx_rangeR Documentation

Match any character within the range defined by the parameters.


Value parameter will be interpreted as pairs. For example, range(c('a', 'z', '0', '9')) will be interpreted to mean any character within the ranges a–z (ascii x–y) or 0–9 (ascii x–y). The method expects an even number of parameters; unpaired parameters are ignored.


rx_range(.data = NULL, value)



Expression to append, typically pulled from the pipe %>%


Range of characters. The method expects an even number of parameters; unpaired parameters are ignored.


rx_range(value = c('1', '3'))

# create an expression
x <- rx_range(value = c('1', '3'))

grepl(x, "2") # should be true
grepl(x, "4") # should be false

VerbalExpressions/RVerbalExpressions documentation built on March 27, 2024, 8:20 a.m.