Man pages for VinLaflamme/muCoVL
What the package does (short line)

anova_SPSSComplete SPSS-like output for ANOVA
donn_agExample data for muCoVL
effSizeVLDTCalculate basic statistics for a data.table
ezA_VLAugment ezANOVA output
ezA_VL_DirectAugment ezANOVA output
graDescVLPrints a graph of descriptive statistics
muCoVL-packageWhat the package does (short line) ~~ package title ~~
pairedCVLDTPaired comparisons on data.tables
scriptDSGenerate knitR script for descriptive statistics
tableAPACreate APA style tables
vl_repCont2Test of contrasts
VL_unEvenPolyUneven polynomial contrasts
VinLaflamme/muCoVL documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:14 p.m.