  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette introduces all the functionalities and summarizes their options in MSstatsSampleSize. MSstatsSampleSize requires protein abundances quantified in mass spectrometry runs as a matrix (columns for biological replicates (samples) and rows for proteins) and annotation including Run (Ms runs), biological replicates (samples) and their condition (such as a disease and time points). MSstatsSampleSize includes the following functionalities:

  1. estimateVar: estimates the variance across biological replicates and MS run for each protein.
  2. simulateDataset: simulates data with the given number(s) of biological replicates based on the variance estimation.
  3. designSampleSizeClassification : fit the classification model (five classifier are provided) on each simulation and reports the mean predictive accuracy of the classifier and mean protein importance over multiple iterations of the simulation. The sample size per condition, which generates the largest predictive accuracy, is estimated, while varying the number of biological replicates to simulate. Also, the proteins, which can classify the conditions best, are reported. The reported sample size per condition can be used to design future experiments.

In addition, MSstatsTMT includes the following visualization plots for sample size estimation:

  1. meanSDplot: draw the plot for the mean protein abundance vs standard deviation in each condition for the input preliminary dataset. It can exhibit the quality of input data.
  2. designSampleSizePCAplot: make PCA plots for the simulated data with certain sample size.
  3. designSampleSizeHypothesisTestingPlot: visualize sample size calculation in hypothesis testing, which estimates the minimal required number of replicates under different expected fold changes.
  4. designSampleSizeClassificationPlots: visualize sample size calculation in classification, including predictive accuracy plot and protein importance plot for different sample sizes.

1. Estimate mean protein abundance and variance per condition

1.1 estimateVar()

The function fits intensity-based linear model on the preliminary data. This function outputs variance components and mean abundance for each protein.





# estimate the mean protein abundance and variance in each condition
variance_estimation <- estimateVar(data = OV_SRM_train, 
                                   annotation = OV_SRM_train_annotation,
                                   log2Trans = FALSE)

# the mean protein abundance in each condition

# the standard deviation in each condition

# the mean protein abundance across all the conditions

# the standard deviation across all the conditions

1.2 meanSDplot()

This function draws the plot for the mean protein abundance (X-axis) vs standard deviation (Y-axis) in each condition. The lowess function is used to fit the LOWESS smoother between mean protein abundance and standard deviation (square root of variance). This function generates the mean-SD plot or a pdf file based on the selected inputs.



#  output a pdf file with mean-SD plot

2. Simulates data with the given numbers of biological replicates and proteins

based on the variance estimation

2.1 simulateDataset()

This function simulate datasets with the given numbers of biological replicates and proteins based on the preliminary dataset (input for this function). The function fits intensity-based linear model on the input data data in order to get variance and mean abundance, using estimateVar function. Then it uses variance components and mean abundance to simulate new training data with the given sample size and protein number. It outputs the number of simulated proteins, a vector with the number of simulated samples in each condition, the list of simulated training datasets, the input dataset and the (simulated) validation dataset.



# expected_FC = "data": fold change estimated from OV_SRM_train
# select_simulated_proteins = "proportion": select the simulated proteins based 
#on the proportion of total proteins
# simulate_valid = FALSE: use input OV_SRM_train as validation set
simulated_datasets <- simulateDataset(data = OV_SRM_train,
                                      annotation = OV_SRM_train_annotation,
                                      log2Trans = FALSE,
                                      num_simulations = 10, # simulate 10 times
                                      samples_per_group = 50, # 50 samples per condition
                                      protein_rank = "mean",
                                      protein_select = "high",
                                      protein_quantile_cutoff = 0.0,
                                      expected_FC = "data",
                                      list_diff_proteins =  NULL,
                                      simulate_validation = FALSE,
                                       valid_samples_per_group = 50)

Explore the output from simulateDataset function

# the number of simulated proteins

# a vector with the number of simulated samples in each condition

# the list of simulated protein abundance matrices
# Each element of the list represents one simulation
head(simulated_datasets$simulation_train_Xs[[1]]) # first simulation

# the list of simulated condition vectors
# Each element of the list represents one simulation
head(simulated_datasets$simulation_train_Ys[[1]]) # first simulation

User can also specify the expected fold change of proteins they consider to be deferentially abundant between conditions.

# expected_FC = expected_FC: user defined fold change
expected_FC <- c(1, 1.5)
names(expected_FC) <- c("control", "ovarian cancer")
# Here I randomly select some proteins as differential to show how the function works
# The user should prepare this list of differential proteins by themselves
diff_proteins <- sample(rownames(OV_SRM_train), 20)
simualted_datasets_predefined_FC <- simulateDataset(data = OV_SRM_train,
                                      annotation = OV_SRM_train_annotation,
                                      log2Trans = FALSE,
                                      num_simulations = 10, # simulate 10 times
                                      samples_per_group = 50, # 50 samples per condition
                                      protein_rank = "mean",
                                      protein_select = "high",
                                      protein_quantile_cutoff = 0.0,
                                      expected_FC = expected_FC,
                                      list_diff_proteins =  diff_proteins,
                                      simulate_validation = FALSE,
                                       valid_samples_per_group = 50)

3. Sample size estimation for classification

3.1. designSampleSizeClassification()

This function fits the classification model, in order to classify the subjects in the simulated training datasets (in the output of simulatedDataset). Then the fitted model is validated by the (simulated) validation set. Two performance are reported : (1) the mean predictive accuracy : The function trains classifier on each simulated training dataset and reports the predictive accuracy of the trained classifier on the validation data (output of SimulateDataset function). Then these predictive accuracies are averaged over all the simulation. (2) the mean protein importance : It represents the importance of a protein in separating different groups. It is estimated on each simulated training dataset using function varImp from package caret. Please refer to the help file of varImp about how each classifier calculates the protein importance. Then these importance values for each protein are averaged over all the simulation.

The list of classification models trained on each simulated dataset, the predictive accuracy on the validation set predicted by the corresponding classification model and the importance value for all the proteins estimated by the corresponding classification model are also reported.



classification_results <- designSampleSizeClassification(
    simulations = simulated_datasets, 
    parallel = FALSE)

Explore the output of designSampleSizeClassification

# the number of simulated proteins
# a vector with the number of simulated samples in each condition
# the mean predictive accuracy over all the simulated datasets,
# which have same 'num_proteins' and 'num_samples'
# the mean protein importance vector over all the simulated datasets,
# the length of which is 'num_proteins'.

In order to speed up the running time, the package also provides parallel computation for designSampleSizeClassification function.

## try parallel computation to speed up
## The parallel computation may cause error while allocating the core resource
## Then the users can try the above function without parallel computation
classification_results_parallel <- designSampleSizeClassification(
    simulations = simulated_datasets, 
    parallel = TRUE)

3.2 designSampleSizeClassificationPlots()

This function visualizes for sample size calculation in classification. Mean predictive accuracy and mean protein importance under each sample size is from the input data, which is the output from function designSampleSizeClassification. To illustrate the mean predictive accuracy and protein importance under different sample sizes, it generates two types of plots in pdf files as output :

(1) The predictive accuracy plot shows the mean predictive accuracy under different sample sizes. The X-axis represents different sample sizes and y-axis represents the mean predictive accuracy.

(2) The protein importance plot includes multiple subplots. The number of subplots is equal to list_samples_per_group. Each subplot shows the top num_important_proteins_show most important proteins under each sample size. The Y-axis of each subplot is the protein name and X-axis is the mean protein importance under the sample size.

(3) A numeric value which is the estimated optimal sample size per group for the input dataset for classification problem.

While varying the number of biological replicates to simulate, the sample size per condition which generates the largest predictive accuracy can be found from the predictive accuracy plot, The optimal sample size per condition can be used to design future experiments. Also, the proteins, which can classify the conditions best, are reported by the protein importance plot.



#### sample size classification ####
# simulate different sample sizes
# 1) 10 biological replicates per group
# 1) 25 biological replicas per group
# 2) 50 biological replicas per group
# 3) 100 biological replicas per group
# 4) 200 biological replicas per group
list_samples_per_group <- c(10, 25, 50, 100, 200)

# save the simulation results under each sample size
multiple_sample_sizes <- list()

for(i in seq_along(list_samples_per_group)){
    # run simulation for each sample size
    simulated_datasets <- simulateDataset(data = OV_SRM_train,
                                          annotation = OV_SRM_train_annotation,
                                          log2Trans = FALSE,
                                          num_simulations = 10, # simulate 10 times
                                          samples_per_group = list_samples_per_group[i],
                                          protein_rank = "mean",
                                          protein_select = "high",
                                          protein_quantile_cutoff = 0.0,
                                          expected_FC = "data",
                                          list_diff_proteins =  NULL,
                                          simulate_valid = FALSE,
                                          valid_samples_per_group = 50)

    # run classification performance estimation for each sample size
    res <- designSampleSizeClassification(simulations = simualted_datasets,
                                          parallel = TRUE)

    # save results
    multiple_sample_sizes[[i]] <- res

## make the plots
                                    ylimUp_predictive_accuracy = 0.8,
                                    ylimDown_predictive_accuracy = 0.6)

4. Sample size estimation for hypothesis testing

4.1. designSampleSizeHypothesisTestingPlot()

The function fits intensity-based linear model on the input data. Then it uses the fitted models and the fold changes estimated from the models to calculate sample size for hypothesis testing through designSampleSize function from MSstats package. It outputs a table with the minimal number of biological replicates per condition to acquire the expected FDR and power under different fold changes, and a PDF file with the sample size plot.



#  output a pdf file with sample size calculation plot for hypothesis testing
#  also return a table which summaries the plot
HT_res <- designSampleSizeHypothesisTestingPlot(data = OV_SRM_train,
                                                annotation= OV_SRM_train_annotation,
                                                desired_FC = "data",
                                                protein_rank = "mean",
                                                protein_select = "high",
                                                protein_quantile_cutoff = 0.0,

# data frame with columns desiredFC, numSample, FDR, power and CV

5. Visualization for simulated datasets

5.1 designSampleSizePCAplot()

This function draws PCA plots for the preliminary dataset and each simulated dataset in simulations (input for this function). It outputs a pdf file where the number of page is equal to the number of simulations plus 1. The first page represents a PCA plot for the input data (OV_SRM_train). Each of the following pages presents a PCA plot under one simulation. X-axis of PCA plot is the first component and y-axis is the second component. This function can be used to validate whether the simulated dataset looks consistent with the input preliminary dataset.



#  output a pdf file with 11 PCA plots

Vitek-Lab/MSstatsSampleSize documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 10:39 a.m.